The game is killing me, TBH, I had to take a break in the middle of chapter 2.
It's beautiful visually but creatively bankrupt.
It's just open world dire one after another and the biggest disappointment is the combat which isn't that challenging even on hard and I feel like I'm constantly doing the same thing. I was like, yeah, the combat is pretty good when I started but now after 20+h nothing's really changed. The same five or so animations and change style to win or parry (lenient window). There are games that can sustain this sort of repetition and feel somewhat fresh but this isn't one of them.
I've followed like 20-30 same foxes to the same Inari shrines, liberated the same outposts to death, fought in the same duels and I'm a bit sick of it. Side missions are occasionally good but mostly follow the same rehashed formula.
Even the main story has taken a massive nosedive.
Had the combat been more engaging and the open world more fleshed out, it'd be way more bearable but as it is now, it's just AC that masquerades as something more than that because of the setting and graphi There's just nothing surprising to it at this point anymore.
I'd even say AC Origins is a way better game that this when it comes to the open world aspect and what you can find in it.
I agree with you about most open world games, this really isn't any different. Case in point, actually.