Games you're playing, and games...

I think I just get ****** off when a boss has 3 phases. Like really? I had him easily up to that stage for a while but I think I rage quit in the end!

When I feel that I have lots of time and patience I will go back.
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I think I just get ****** off when a boss has 3 phases. Like really? I had him easily up to that stage for a while but I think I rage quit in the end!

When I feel that I have lots of time and patience I will go back.

You'd get him easily after some more tries probably. The last phase isn't hard, just a surprise, and the lightning reversal does huge damage to him.

I brought up the whole "hesitation is defeat" quote because this is a big hint on how the game is supposed to be played.

You just don't let up, you go in and pressure, pressure, pressure, then anticipate a counter attack, parry and then pressure and pressure some more:p
You give the bosses NO breathing room whatsoever, you control the fight and never let their posture bar recover, it all gels into a hypnotising rhythm and then you suddenly start being on point with everything.

It's not super easy but it's not an impossibly hard game either. Once you understand this is the most aggressive From title ever created, you'll be fine:)

Might be the steepest learning curve but then becomes the easiest, I think.
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Oh my goodness, something has definitely just clicked even more so with this Genichiro fight, got him down to a T now 2 health bars done and dusted, just kept defending myself and there is a split second where I just found that moment to attack. Throw in a few special attacks, learn the rhythm do a little dance :p Rinse and repeat.

Then.... got to a 3rd phase :cry: Dammit. Oh my days.
Genricho is tough at first but once you learn his moves you will smash him. Firecrackers work against him quite well if he is about to do an uncounterable attack.
Oh my goodness, something has definitely just clicked even more so with this Genichiro fight, got him down to a T now 2 health bars done and dusted, just kept defending myself and there is a split second where I just found that moment to attack. Throw in a few special attacks, learn the rhythm do a little dance :p Rinse and repeat.

Then.... got to a 3rd phase :cry: Dammit. Oh my days.

Yup, that's good going, you'll be addicted soon and hell-bent on beating every boss:p

And Genichiro will get smacked around so much he'll just jump off the pagoda and end it, "I had enough of this ****":D
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Whilst in-between games I started Kena: Bridge of Spirits on PS5 the other night. I'm quite enjoying it, it's a pretty decent adventure/platformer and the environments are really nice.
Yup, that's good going, you'll be addicted soon and hell-bent on beating every boss:p

And Genichiro will get smacked around so much he'll just jump off the pagoda and end it, "I had enough of this ****":D

The 3rd phase is killing me, by the time I manage to get back to him after the 2nd phase i'm literally just dead

Might have to give it a break and revisit as ive literally spent days trying to do it!

Genricho is tough at first but once you learn his moves you will smash him. Firecrackers work against him quite well if he is about to do an uncounterable attack.

Ive tried them, they were helpful until I ran out of spirit emblems, and also got no coins left :(
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I just got frustrated and quit. Better things to be doing than banging my head against a brick wall. Shame because I loved what I played up to that point.

It's the phase thing that is most annoying, as the first 2 I can make it through, but come the 3rd phase I just get smashed to bits, then have to go through it all again!

I don't mind a hard boss where it is just one or two phases, it's like you have to beat him to then really beat him

Gonna play Baldurs Gate 3 I think now, some DnD goodness :)
The 3rd phase is killing me, by the time I manage to get back to him after the 2nd phase i'm literally just dead

Might have to give it a break and revisit as ive literally spent days trying to do it!

Ive tried them, they were helpful until I ran out of spirit emblems, and also got no coins left :(

Take a break and try again after a few days if you're not feeling it.

The first two phases can be perfected enough that you'll have enough leeway for mistakes in the third. Treat them like a spar and work on your timing and responses to what he does. DO NOT LET HIM BREATHE, I cannot stress that enough:p
Remember it's a rhythm game and stay aggressive, you aren't supposed to let him recover his posture. You can learn his limited responses to your offense as he gets more predictable when pressured and reach the third phase consistently.That's when you'll get him. Just don't be afraid to go in, you might be struggling because you're unnecessarily prolonging the fight by being more passive than you should.

Are you using the lightning reversal in the third phase? Jump, get hit in mid-air and attack, you'll reverse the lightning and do massive posture dmg. He also always opens up with a lunging thrust, be ready to always Mikiri that.

Look up FightingCowboy's guide on YT, you'll notice how he stays on him and even though the guy doesn't have great reflexes and makes mistakes, he still beats him without prosthetics. You don't need anything but your sword for this, it's more manageable than you think, you just probably respond incorrectly to certain attacks and leave dmg on the table. First time it took me like 20 tries to kill him, I went through the game four times and never died to him once after that:p

There's even enough time to see if he's going for the perilous thrust or sweep in the second phase. He trusts -> Mikiri, he sweeps -> Mario jump him. Don't let him do it for free by just avoiding it, he has to pay with posture damage. But even if you can't react to that, no biggie. You can still win.

You can be even more aggressive than him, I was IIRC:p I don't actually agree with him about more patience bit, you can wail on him hard and still have time to parry his response, but I do have slightly above average reflexes and pattern reading to be fair so that definitely helps.

Worst case scenario, just drop it, no point in playing something that causes you grief:)

Still, I refuse to believe you can't do it after beating Bloodborne + DLC, you've probably haven't learned his moves yet or need to tighten up your parry timing.

Meanwhile, I'm going back to Demon's Souls Remake, play some BGIII and cool your head:D
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The 3rd phase is killing me, by the time I manage to get back to him after the 2nd phase i'm literally just dead

Might have to give it a break and revisit as ive literally spent days trying to do it!

Ive tried them, they were helpful until I ran out of spirit emblems, and also got no coins left :(

If it’s any consolation, he took me around 7hrs of constant trying (no exaggeration). Got him in the end though.

Third phase I just piled on the pressure while circling around him. Not entirely sure how I did it, felt like I was just button bashing by that stage. But oh man the victory dance was epic!!
Right here we go. Finally got my brain in gear to play the two God of War games. Let's see how I get on...
I've yet to play Ragnarok but the first one was fantastic, you're in for a treat. I'm not the biggest fan of melee combat in games, combos etc so I dropped the difficulty down a notch from Normal just to take some pressure off, and had a great time with it. Only thing I didn't do was the Valkyries, even on Easy they were...not easy.

Would be rather nice if Ragnarok got added to PS+ Extra in time for Xmas...
Baldurs Gate 3 - Lovely change of pace! Really investing some time in this, and taking my time trying to explore and try out different things, quite overwhelming at times how much there is to do! Playing as a Human/Paladin/Soldier, manged to kill the first 'devil boss' Got the Everburn blade, which is pretty sweet :)

Looks and plays amazing

PS: Im not done with you Genichiro yet!
Tried Payday 3 on game pass last night. Did the four tutorials but couldn’t start a heist. Maybe there’s a certain level of completion needed??
Binned it off and went back to RDR2. Got captured by the Odriscols. Story seems to opening up now and way more action. Feel like I’m walking in treacle though. The game runs and looks great but everything Arthur does is so laboured, looting, reloading, picking up items. Takes an age. Also has those super annoying no run parts in camp and missions.
PERFECT way to describe RDR2.

I played it through to completion once, loved it, and that was enough.
I am enjoying it but it’s a bit of a slog. The first one is arguably my favourite game of all time but this just isn’t grabbing me in the same way and it’s hard to figure out why. Jus turned off after failing the mission where you stop the grave robbers. I think that showcases the very best and worst of this game. Good level and looks amazing with how they’ve done the lighting and atmosphere but trying to manoeuvre around the graves at speed is almost impossible. Managed to get out the graveyard a few times but stopped by a dog that I just can’t see a couple of times then shot to death and just rage quit when I managed to get on my horse and get away only to run into a police horse coming the other way at full speed. Horse dead, tried to revive it but got stuck in the animation so just stood in the middle of the road unable to pull out a gun only to be surrounded by the law, shot dead.
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