Games you're playing, and games...

I gave up on Valhalla after 2d 14h playtime, it was just dragging on and on, I played Odyssey on PC and loved it. Even did the DLC's to. Might double dip now I haven't got my PC anymore and its optimised on X/S.

Been playing Dark Souls 3 again, so much better now its 60fps on Console and PvZ Garden Warfare 2 with the missus.

Looking forward to FH5 and thinking about getting Riders Republic.

Yeah Valhalla was utterly forgettable. Never even finished it.
I'm kinda looking forward to FH5 but I know as soon as some kiddie youtuber type announcer starts talking and I'm made to spin a wheel for some wicked new hat I'll be put off. I'd love it with a more mature presentation.
Probs why I'm more excited about GT7 despite me preferring arcade racers more.
I gave up on Valhalla after 2d 14h playtime, it was just dragging on and on, I played Odyssey on PC and loved it. Even did the DLC's to. Might double dip now I haven't got my PC anymore and its optimised on X/S.

Been playing Dark Souls 3 again, so much better now its 60fps on Console and PvZ Garden Warfare 2 with the missus.

Looking forward to FH5 and thinking about getting Riders Republic.

Same, I enjoyed Odyssey, but Valhalla just felt so boring after a while.
I was the opposite i got really bored quickly with Odyseey but Valhalla had me hooked all the way to the end :D

I still miss how it was done in the earlier AC games, less open world and more Assassin approach to all the missions, I don't understand why they changed the core gameplay, to open world with endless side missions and enemy camps to clear. I wouldn't even call the newer games assassin creed, that was ripped out of them long ago.
Unity was the last proper AC game. Shame performance was so poor. I enjoyed my recent PS5 play through at 60fps though. I don't mind the new format but Valhalla was a real slog to get through.
I still miss how it was done in the earlier AC games, less open world and more Assassin approach to all the missions, I don't understand why they changed the core gameplay, to open world with endless side missions and enemy camps to clear. I wouldn't even call the newer games assassin creed, that was ripped out of them long ago.

I just skipped all the side missions and stuck to the main story so there was less of that, it did get a bit dull, i just ended up lowering the difficulty so it didnt matter so much that i was levelled up.
Just finished Resident Evil Village, quite enjoyed it tbh, though the vampire stuff was certainly the best part imo - if I had to rate it, an easy 8/10.

More time for Hell Let Loose now :D
Hades - What an awesome game!! I have managed to get to the final Hades boss fight a few times now, first time felt like such an achievement! It's pretty cool that they have added a different dimension to it when you beat him, and the story progresses. Hours of fun. Beating Hades though now its done its like a bit of the magic has gone now, but still loving it!
I tried out Kingdoms of amalor from ps plus earlier for a few hours on ps5. It's pretty good so far like an arcade 3rd person version of skyrim which has been given a retro world of warcraft skin.
Got an old PS4 that I only really use for GTA Online with my mate who moved to Hong Kong. Its the only, and best, way we catch up over a few beers. He decided to buy Division 2 so playing that from the start at the weekend as I picked it up for $10 used. I'm a Division 1 & 2 vet on the Xbox but not played for a long, long time. Forgot how thoroughly good that game is, especially the trip to level 30. Absolutely brilliant. Servers pretty quiet too so hopefully the Darkzone isn't the grief fest it used to be.
Obvious statement however graphic performance wise you can really see the difference in the older consoles. Even compared to the One X it's very poor.
Started playing "The Last Of Us" so that I can play the sequel straight after.

I don't remember it being this hard. Keep getting a good whooping because of the weapon sway.
Started playing "The Last Of Us" so that I can play the sequel straight after.

I don't remember it being this hard. Keep getting a good whooping because of the weapon sway.

It’s an easy game if you use a bit if stealth and the equipment. The game does punish you a bit for being aggressive with the firearms.
Yeah stealth and items on the ground to either lure or stun. Some sections you literally don’t have to shoot anything but some times it’s unavoidable like when you’re at Tommy's place and they swarm you. Melee is also pretty strong in these games.
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Playing Hades. It’s rather addictive!

Finished it 4 times now but it’s due to more pure brute button mashing when I get Divine Dash than skill. Need to learn more in game mechanics and attack patterns.
Deathloop, really enjoying it. When it was first revealed last year ahead of the PS5 launch I thought it was going to be a game with a smaller scope and a lot of repetition, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Pleased to say that was completely wrong and despite visiting the same areas over and over, I haven't yet felt much in the way of repitition as there's usually somewhere new to go, or something new you now know about and need to do, plus areas can vary quite significantly depending on what time of day you visit.

I thoroughly enjoyed Prey a couple of years back and while I wouldn't say they're particularly similar games, there are a few similarities in presentation and style that I really appreciate.
Gran Turismo Sport. Fancied a bit of a change. Looks lovely with HDR and higher res than the base PS4. Really enjoying it. I’ll just go through the campaign I don’t think I’m up for the practice I’d need to want to play online.
I think I've realised why I'm not playing anything new. I need a new GPU, one that will perform at ultra 4k. I don't want to comprise. If I was willing to do that I'd have bought a console for gaming
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