Gary Speed Dead

Totally stunned by this, he looked fine and chirpy on Football Focus yesterday, what an age to go as well.

RIP Gary:(:(
I opened up tweetdeck earlier and the first tweet I saw said, "it sounds like he killed himself". Never in a million years would I have guessed that he was talking about Gary Speed. Absolutely stunned :(

Ish, its fairly rare for a depressed person to be THAT bad and spend the day before he seemingly was probably planning to do it, at work. IT does already seem like there could be more too it.

I think its quite common for family/friends of suicide victims to after it happens interpret strange behaviour in the days leading up to it as essentially saying goodbye.

You would think for it to be bad enough to kill himself this morning he'd have been on the end of several days if not weeks or month of a severe depression, locking himself away, not appearing happy on TV and with people all day.

Well I guess I hope that as its just worrying someone could choose to end it all so suddenly, that thought scares me frankly, the thought of something else happening, influencing it seems less, disturbing I guess.

Such a load of garbage.

Really goes to show how damn ignorant most people really are regarding depression.

Have a read of this and educate yourself.

RIP Gary Speed. You're now free of whatever was tormenting your mind. :(
Totally shocked by this news always seemed like a nice genuine bloke when ive seen him on question of sport and was a good solid midfileder when he played R.I.P
Based on the above post you evidently know nothing about the subject at hand so please don't embarrass yourself by posting any more about it.

Such a load of garbage.

Really goes to show how damn ignorant most people really are regarding depression.

Have a read of this and educate yourself.

RIP Gary Speed. You're now free of whatever was tormenting your mind. :(

I didn't want to derail thread but two people have posted complete nonsense. Firstly NOTHING in the link you posted disagrees with what I said, also as per usual someone has a go at my post in general but didn't say what I actually got wrong.

For the record, I've suffered from depression all my life, I've spoken to dozens of others in various situations, I am certain I know more about it than you, and as listed in the link YOU POSTED, Collymore went from LAST SATURDAY at his best to TUESDAY stuck in bed, not over night, not the next morning but 10 days later. The timeline was great one day, acting normally, to feeling odd for 7 days, to insomnia for 3 days, to the other side of the cycle and feeling unable to get out of bed 10 days later.

This IS normal, this is common amongst depression sufferers, its very rare that it will attack all of a sudden, as a I said. I would say almost every depression sufferer I've met goes through cycles of feeling okay to feeling "on the way down" to then being in that can't go on feeling.

If YOU read one blog and have no idea what you're talking about, because Collymore's apparent experience is common but not all encompassing of every depression sufferer, agree's with ME, not you.

Also, Collymore's insomnia, one night not sleeping for a normal person, happens, someone else after finding out he suffers from depression would realise later on what this change in sleep patterns and behaviour was.

From what I've heard/seen quite a lot of suicide attempts will occur more at the end of the cycle collymore was going through, not feeling right for several days, trouble sleeping, loss of energy and after it gets to its worse, is when many people start to think about suicide.

I'm not saying it can't happen(and didn't in the previous post) that one day you're brilliant and the next you're woeful. But Collymore at his worst, in bed, unable to eat, wouldn't have gone in to work on tv laughing and joking for an entire day, would he.

Bi-polars are more likely to experience such a quick and drastic swing in behaviour/depression, but then again bi-polars tend to display pretty obvious changes in personality between the high's and lows that again from people I know, I would be surprised if he managed to hide it with the career he had.
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