Gauntlet Remake

Just ordered and downloading. £9.82 from the Brazilian site linked.
Looks like nuuvem put price back up now :( was 18% off but still cheap for a new game :)

I just tried wizard for about 30mins and it just feels so frustrating, also tried Valkyrie again and noticed you can move while blocking with shield (didn't notice that in the intro thing last night)
I haven't noticed an obvious use for blocking yet, though.

When you connect a block move, it kicks the enemy back some distance in an AOE kinda attack, pretty useful for defending wizard geezer when hes fumbling buttons or when you have been completely swamped.

This game is awesome! :)

[edit]Also you can reflect projectile weapons back at bomb throwers and archers etc and there is a levelable achievement from doing so:)[/edit]
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Bloody game, said to myself just have 20mins before bed, next thing it 1.5hrs later my eyes hurt and have playstation thumbs from the 90s.

Wizard is a little OP and the leaderboards have already been hacked.
Ha, me too, wasn't going to buy it, had a 20% off code so did, then it was 11.30pm and I don't know where the two hours previous went! Played as Elf, did ok, died a few times, but can see me wasting a lot of time on it!
Is there an offer around for this now? I might get it looks addictive

It's under a tenner at Kinguin.

Not sure about "addictive" (I would generally steer away from anything described as such - I'm not in to grinding :) ), but it's certainly good fun.

I tried the Elf last night. It was quite good fun, better once I got the bomb-arrows (you get this pretty quickly). Also tried Warrior - enjoyed that one less than Valkyrie and Elf, a bit one-dimensional.

Haven't given Wizard a go yet, but I played with a guy who was very effective at it yesterday. Seems a powerful option if you can master it.
It's under a tenner at Kinguin.

Not sure about "addictive" (I would generally steer away from anything described as such - I'm not in to grinding :) ), but it's certainly good fun.

I tried the Elf last night. It was quite good fun, better once I got the bomb-arrows (you get this pretty quickly). Also tried Warrior - enjoyed that one less than Valkyrie and Elf, a bit one-dimensional.

Haven't given Wizard a go yet, but I played with a guy who was very effective at it yesterday. Seems a powerful option if you can master it.

Thank you, ordered now waiting time to go home and download it. I am going for wizard first!
A minor plus point, which I don't think anyone's mentioned, is I really like that they have used the musical riff from the original game. A nice touch :)
A minor plus point, which I don't think anyone's mentioned, is I really like that they have used the musical riff from the original game. A nice touch :)

That is good it is really nice to have something from the old days that connects the games. Felt the same way when i finished ffvii and in the end credits they had the theme song that i heard in the ff1 of NES.
That is good it is really nice to have something from the old days that connects the games. Felt the same way when i finished ffvii and in the end credits they had the theme song that i heard in the ff1 of NES.

If you do feel free to add me for some multiplayer goodness!
Bought it ages ago and just fired it up for a quick look so far.

Can two players play this co-op on the one machine or is it online co-op only?
Bought it ages ago and just fired it up for a quick look so far.

Can two players play this co-op on the one machine or is it online co-op only?

Yes you can, just play the prologue (Start game) and then it takes you through to the toon selection.

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