Gauntlet Remake

Cannot get a ps2 pad to work with it, works fine in Windows :s

Me neither mate - tried x360ce (360 controller emulator) and the game recognises the controller but getting the PS2 buttons mapped to the 360 layout is a mare

Might just get a cheap 360 controller off fleabay
Be on tonight at 8 if people want to join me for a co-OP.

No1Radiance is my steam tag, just give me a shout when you see me on.
Excellent game, just makes it all the better when you manage to get a group that actually help each other.

Last night my group were actually sharing potions/food... : o
Anyone with 'Gauntet.exe stop responding' issues when coming out of game?
Nearly every time
Keep standing on the left switch till it locks in, then stand on the right switch until it locks in :p

You can actually use the same switch for both rings, but chances are you'll have to move anyway by the time you do the first one. But you can just step off and back on to do the inner one.
Last night my group were actually sharing potions/food... : o

My biggest gripe that. I share gold, food etc but some just pick up everything if they're out in front. Some even take food when on full health regardless of others who need the food.

They also need to add some in game chat function while in the lobby which would be handy.
My biggest gripe that. I share gold, food etc but some just pick up everything if they're out in front. Some even take food when on full health regardless of others who need the food...

Yea, it gets annoying as most of the time it works against the crawl... Some people just don't get it.

I need more groups like it for Unfair mode lol

I like how skill bonuses are from kills/deaths rather than gear (Mastery 46 atm) :cool:
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