Hi everybody!
Thank you for your feedback on Gauntlet so far! We have listened and worked hard on a patch which will go live now. Please find the patch notes below. In addition to these changes we are hard at work on additional fixes that will go live soon including the ability to remap key bindings. More on this soon!
- The Game will launch in English when Steam library is set to English.
- Merlin’s shield will no longer occasionally Crash the game when attacked by Demon Horrors
- Heroes will now be able to use projectiles over jumping pad gaps.
- Player will now respawn appropriately while near Treasure Island in Temple of Dur.
- Game will now recognize internet connection even if Title is launched while offline.
- Alien FX will behave correctly when Playing Gauntlet on Alienware PC’s
- Player is now able to Highlight Message of the Day with Gamepad Controller.
- The description of the masteries in the "Next Level" column will show prerequisites for all Mastery Levels.
- Masteries Tally Screen no longer shows progression of ‘Locked’ Masteries
- The Sniper Shot indicator behaves correctly when aiming towards the Beast of Orox.
- Resolved some typos in the Credits
- The Warrior can now correctly destroy all Food on Tables in Caverns of Mag’Ash and Burning Temple of Dur
- The Perk Descriptions match required amounts needed in All Languages.
- The description of "Matamomias" Perk lists is correct in Latin American Spanish.