Bought that the other day to use at church, thats the plan anyway, I like it a bit too much to leave it there right now! Its a Yamaha APX5.
I need to sell some guitars, they are everywhere
Neon said:Got Some Pics.
Its a Gretsch Renown Maple Series.
my metal setup.
Dave said:How do you like your Gretsch? I should be getting a Catalina Birch tomorrow - I love a birch kit, and there's a great deal on it. (edit - it's on the way, got to wait 2 weeks)
And please, for the love of god, get rid of the B8 ride already
Neon said:lols your telling , me about the b8 ride got a whole new set of Vaults on the way, and evolutions, sabian stylee jus piecing em together with what sounds nice, want some dark sounds.
600-800 quids worth
and i love my gretsch best kits money can buy imho.
Neon said:3 way drumming jam hmmmmm!
AmDaMan said:ha ha, go for it, I wan't a cowbell
Which uni? I'm at Sheff Hallam.
Dave said:How amazing would that be? We should make a 3-way drumming band, like a 3-man drumbassadors
University of Sheffield for me. And I've got 2 cowbells!
Dave said:One cowbell on each foot? Who needs a bass drum?
I guess that would be what you two are for!
Dave said:Been playing since I was about 6/7, so about 11/12 years. (that long )
I'm the same with double bass, only really started last year (alawys been a single man) and I can either play standard speed or fast with the "twitch" method, but not in between like the majority of songs need! Practising a fair bit at the mo to get the double bass to scratch.
I play mainly rock/progressive but I do have the occasional dabble into Latin stuff. (with those cowbells, who wouldn't?) Would love to play a bit of funk too, it's just so laid back and "in the groove"
You been playing long? I remember listening to your band a few months ago and thinking it was actually listenable heavier music. (I'm really not into heavy stuff - the occasional Dream Theater album is fine though)