Sure it does. Didn't you read all the info? It's easy for developers to implement, Nvidia do most of the work on their Super computers. They released slides showing DLSS performance in games, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Ark Survival Evolved, and PUBG were three of the games used. Those games are out now and SOTR was released on the 14th. Where did they get the DLSS figures for their slides if the games weren't ready? Did they just make up numbers? Then there are the Demos used in the video, why lockdown all the settings from reviewers. Why not let them use other AA methods? Talk about best case scenarios or what!! Are they so lacking in faith in their new technology? That they couldn't allow a little experimentation or couldn't have one of the three games used in their slides made available to reviewers?
Ray Tracing couldn't be available at launch because of Microsoft. And the developers were only talking about Ray Tracing when talking about development time and that was only because the RT cores were new. The tensor cores have been around since the Titan V launch so developers would have had more time to work and since the bulk of the work is done by Nvidia there is really no excuse why they couldn't have had a game available for review at launch.
Well, there is one reason, and that's because they know DLSS is not going to be the big upgrade that everyone is thinking it's going to be. A review of a game would might have been the final nail in the 2080 coffin. People already think the 2080 is a meh buy, if DLSS isn't that good, most people would have cancelled their pre-orders.