A lot of speculation there though... the scant evidence we have does show DLSS improves performance. 30% is nothing to be sniffed at. I don't think Nvidia had much reason to care or really bother. They've got the discrete GPU market and its hard core consumer base by the balls. It would only have created less hype and pre-orders wouldn't have been so high, but now that we know, the cards are still selling. It's not changed anything. Nvidia just charged ahead and did their own thing. It's evident from Dice only having a couple of days to work on that RTX BF5 demo that Nvidia didn't give two hoots. Why not get devs on board months earlier? Maybe it wasn't ready then... it all points to a rushed launch, but it doesn't mean DLSS won't work or be something that benefits gamers. Jury may be out on this, but what HAS been seen shows an improvement with DLSS in 4K vs not... in relation to FPS anyway, even if there is a very small visual hit.
You think they don't care? Every one of their actions in the last few months says they do care a lot. The new NDAs, trying to get AIB's to get their gaming brand aligned completely with Nvidia or else. These aren't things done by a company who doesn't care. What about the extra lockdown on reviews, with less information than normal.
Where are the 2080's selling? They are in stock everywhere, that's very unusual for a new card from Nvidia after two years of waiting. Maxwell and Pascal cards were not available for ages. Everywhere sold out for months.
It's not idle speculation. It's putting a lot of info together and reaching a valid conclusion. There is literally no reason, none, for them not to have a DLSS game available at launch apart from the results impacting 2080 sales. The three games I mentioned were already done and tested according to Nvidia. So why could reviewers not have them?