Poll: General election voting intentions poll

Voting intentions in the General Election - only use the poll if you intend to vote

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 287 42.0%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 67 9.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 108 15.8%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 25 3.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 15 2.2%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 137 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Only just saw your challenge to Errol and i can list 5 off the top of my head, here goe,s:

1 Repeal the most expensive act of parliament ever passed, the climate change act.
2 Allow smoking in separate areas of pubs and clubs.
3 Not to bow to big pharma and allow E-cigs to be over regulated or banned.
4 Leave the EU.
5 Stop health tourism.

Im not sure how to class what their "main" policies are but all the above make sense to me.

They sound disastrous, the last one excluded but I think health tourism is a bit like benefit fraud, made out to be much worse than it is...
They sound disastrous, the last one excluded but I think health tourism is a bit like benefit fraud, made out to be much worse than it is...

I have personal knowledge of health tourism and it's massively understated, no Government will admit how bad it is as they have no answer to it.
I have personal knowledge of health tourism and it's massively understated, no Government will admit how bad it is as they have no answer to it.

Fullfact on the cost (summary: there are no high quality figures but even the high end estimates represent less than 0.15% of the NHS's budget).

Frankly, "Health Tourism" is a immensely minor cost to the NHS and it is simply not worth either the cost to the NHS or the inconvenience to legitimate users to try and do anything about it.
200 million could buy a fair amount. It is as they say a drop in the ocean but it's not like it will get better ignored.

If it cost more than 200 million to stamp it out we should be ashamed of our ability to spend wisely :D.
They sound disastrous,

Burnsy2023 failed to reply so i'll ask you, why are you in favor of banning E-Cigs? They're cleaner, no second hand smoke and are used as a gateway to quitting by lots of people, surely that's a good thing? :confused:

The EU trying to ban them only because big tobacco companies are worried about profits
200 million could buy a fair amount. It is as they say a drop in the ocean but it's not like it will get better ignored.

200 million is the upper bound estimate, so it's likely to be lower than that. It's also not the avoidable amount, since that ignores (a) the cost of implementing recovery processes, (b) the cost of implementing provider side checks, (c) the inconvenience these checks will cause to users and (d) the downstream additional costs of potentially not treating infectious diseases and allowing these to proliferate within the population.

And that's before we consider any ethical factors.
Just wondering whether you are a paid up member of UKIP and are you doing all this party promotion off your own bat?

People ask, i deliver, you can't berate me for that. Otherwise they'll continue with the silly misconception of "UKIP has no polices derpy derp derp"

By the way, why has everyone said *swivel eyed* All UKIP polices are rubbish *swivel eyed* and yet no one has come back to me on why they support the ban on E-Cigs?

UKIP are against the ban, which i think it's great. Or are they all against UKIP polices because they come from UKIP? Which as you know is a little unhinged
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By the way, why has everyone said *swivel eyed* All UKIP polices are rubbish *swivel eyed* and yet no one has come back to me on why they support the ban on E-Cigs?

Not sure I've seen many (well any) people saying all UKIP policies are rubbish

Plenty have issues with some of the main UKIP policies though, they aren't terrible, just to me policies to try to be different, not necessarily for a good reason, but in order to literally be different.

I disagree with more of their policies than I agree with, things such as the allowing smoking in pubs/clubs to me is purely a vote seeking move that chooses to ignore the proven health risks in the hope of picking up some cheap votes. That to me is the main reason I dislike UKIP, I actually want a proper vote on Europe, specifically, outside the election.

UKIP are the new wannabe Libdems, alternate policies to pick up the votes from the main parties, like all protest parties they will come and go, unless they do a good job of adapting over time.

Any thoughts on the Tories spending over £100k a month on Facebook? The wealthy few who are no doubt bankrolling this really are desperate for a Tory government aren't they?

Because I'm a social networking refusenik (got no friends lol) can someone please explain what the hell Facebook do for this money? The invoice says something about 4040 Likes - is that how many Likes they gave the Conservative Party page?
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I'm guessing it's advertising maybe?

Sure they are all at it and probably seems like one of the better ways to connect with younger generations who might otherwise be party to election spiel.
People ask, i deliver, you can't berate me for that. Otherwise they'll continue with the silly misconception of "UKIP has no polices derpy derp derp"

By the way, why has everyone said *swivel eyed* All UKIP polices are rubbish *swivel eyed* and yet no one has come back to me on why they support the ban on E-Cigs?

UKIP are against the ban, which i think it's great. Or are they all against UKIP polices because they come from UKIP? Which as you know is a little unhinged

I'm not sure everyone is for banning E-cigs.

IMO, e-cigs have a place but they have been adopted widely without controls and minimal research. The early evidence is supporting that their use can be as harmful as regular cigarettes and the lack of regulation can mean numerous known harmful chemicals are added to the solution. There is also the issue that is seems to normalize smoking and make it an acceptable habit but IMO it is still pretty nasty. The use of e-cigs has been linked to teenagers then using real cigs and thus they act like a kind of gateway drug.

I don't have strong opinions but if the early research is indicating significant health issues then for the time being IMO e-cigs should be banned for the general public but allowed for people trying to quite smoking when prescribed by a doctor. A set of safety checks needs to be in place for both the devices and the fluid, the cost of doing such is met by taxes on the fluid equal to taxes levied on real cigarettes.

In the future if evidence supports that they are reasonably safe then the ban can be lifted.

I don't have storng feelings either way
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