Poll: General election voting round 4

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 276 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 41 5.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 125 17.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 50 7.2%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 33 4.7%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 5 0.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 2 0.3%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 31 4.4%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 128 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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22 Nov 2005
I'd rather the mess was in another part of the world and not in my backyard, towing the boats back would help towards that aim.
hopefully they get towed back before the Christians are thrown over board

Muslim migrants 'threw Christians overboard during row on boat from Libya to Italy', say police
During the voyage, Christian migrants from Nigeria and Ghana were allegedly threatened with being abandoned at sea by the arrested passengers from the Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali and Guinea Bissau.

Eventually the threat was carried out and 12 were pushed overboard, who are now feared dead.

They may have killed more people if the surviving Christians had not managed to stay on board by forming a “human chain” to resist the assault. Traumatised survivors told police of the row after landing in the port of Palermo on Wednesday morning.
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1 Feb 2007
the UKIP MEPS should be imprisoned for treason and replaced with MEPs that actually care about Britain and want to give Britain the power to change things within the EU.

Imprisoning political rivals was also a common Nazi tactic.
30 Apr 2006
Imprisoning political rivals was also a common Nazi tactic.

It always goes back to my original assertion that supposed anti-fascists are in fact the ones who are extreme fascists themselves, when not talking about polls, DP is hypocrite that Russell Brand would be proud of.
18 Oct 2002
Imprisoning political rivals was also a common Nazi tactic.

UKIP MEPS are not political rivals, they are disgusting excuses for politicians that have no place representing our country.

Politicians are not immune to the law!
18 Oct 2002
Anti-democratic idiots interfere with election posters

DP and his ilk will probably think it's ok through because it's a party they don't like

And what about these anti-democratic idiots?

Police are looking into claims a UKIP council candidate in Nottinghamshire "forged" signatures on his nominations form.

Names on Michael Lowe's nomination form for the East Retford South ward on Bassetlaw District Council included three Labour supporters and a former Labour councillor, MP John Mann said.

Nottinghamshire Police said the matter had been referred "for consideration".

The local UKIP party said it would not comment as police inquires continued.

Mr Mann, who is running for re-election as the Labour MP in Bassetlaw on 7 May, tweeted earlier a police investigation was underway into the allegations.

Kevin Sly, whose name appears on the nomination form alongside those of his wife and daughter, Gemma and Jessica Sly, said they had been interviewed by officers.

"I'm not very happy at all," said Mr Sly, who describes his family as Labour supporters but not "active" members of the party. "I don't even know the guy."

Mr Sly, who lives in Ordsall, Nottinghamshire, near Retford, said the signatures alongside their names were not real.

Mr Mann said another person whose name was on the form, Anne Moore, was a former Labour councillor who lived in the same town.

Signatures of 10 registered electors from the ward in which the candidate is standing must be obtained in order to apply, the Electoral Commission states.

David Scott, UKIP candidate for Bassetlaw in the general election, said Mr Lowe, who unsuccessfully contested the Worksop West seat at the county council elections in 2013, would not comment while a police investigation was under way



1 Feb 2007
UKIP MEPS are not political rivals, they are disgusting excuses for politicians that have no place representing our country.

Politicians are not immune to the law!

Their constituents disagree with you about representing the country. Hence they got voted in. What law have they broken?
16 Jun 2013
They were voted in. Regardless of if you or I agree with their ways.

They have as much right to be there as any other party. Although at least other parties would have made an effort :(.
18 Oct 2002
Their constituents disagree with you about representing the country. Hence they got voted in. What law have they broken?

2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
18 Oct 2002
And you must realise I say this in response to UKIP's statements



"“The Lib-Lab-Cons have conspired with a foreign power, the EU, and are all thereby guilty of treason"


" It is nothing short of treason."

No, UKIP MEPS purposely voting against Britain's interests in the EU is treason. Even if you despise the Eu, as an MEP you have the duty of protect Britian and Vote in Btirtian favor, no purposely against Britain.
23 Oct 2002
Imprisoning political rivals was also a common Nazi tactic.

Not a UKIP supporter by any means but you only have to look around the world today and see politicians seen as rivals being killed or locked up. The Nazis or Communists do not have a monopoly on this tactic.



1 Feb 2007
Not a UKIP supporter by any means but you only have to look around the world today and see politicians seen as rivals being killed or locked up. The Nazis or Communists do not have a monopoly on this tactic.

I'm also not a UKIP supporter but I was responding to D.Ps silly comparison of UKIP to Nazis and then going all Nazi himself.

As much as I dislike UKIP and disagree with their policies I don't think they should be silenced, vilified and locked up for holding political views I dislike.
18 Oct 2002
I'm also not a UKIP supporter but I was responding to D.Ps silly comparison of UKIP to Nazis and then going all Nazi himself.

As much as I dislike UKIP and disagree with their policies I don't think they should be silenced, vilified and locked up for holding political views I dislike.

I didn't say they should be silenced or locked up, i made a non-serious remark about the UKIP MEPS who have demonstrate lay acted against Britian's interet. UKIP go on and on about the reasons of prior labour or Conservative government but it is UKIP themselves that are acting against Britians interest, the irony is not lost on them.

You also seem to be passing off the Nazi comparison despite the fact there is an actual well proven social basis. When economies fail people tend to blame others, especially immigrants. This is exactly the failings of UKIP voters.

Then you have stuff like this:
The Ukip Nazi: Nigel Farage proudly poses with activist who leads double life as neo-Nazi
Andrew Lovie, a former secretary of the Aberdeen branch of Ukip, posted a series of vile racist and homophobic rants on a white supremacist website

Hitler achieved a great deal': Ukip MEP sparks anger as he tells its youth wing to copy Nazi leader


I don't vilify UKIP candidates, many of them do it to themselves by blaming gays for the floods etc.

UKIP can only blame themselves if people liken them to Nazis. If they want to be taken seriously then they need to modulate their policies, kick out all their lunatic omniphobic candidates and have a major change in image. Oh, and stop hanging around with neo-Nazis
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22 Nov 2005
people are voting ukip because for example my childs school class is 36 people and about 5 of them are white.

when he was at that schools nursery about 7 years ago almost the whole class was white or black British and just about everyone's first language was english
Now it's all foreign mothers hanging around the school gates talking foreign languages.

Do you honestly think these children are not bringing down the quality of the school and the education the children receive ?

And of course it's not just the school that feels the impact every public service in the area does too everything gets worse for the people who were living their already. (as if austerity measures weren't enough, I think we lost most our libraries and all our swimming pools) even the library that used to be inside my kids school vanished a few years ago because of funding issues

You probably have a nice posh house on a nice street in a predominantly white middle class area so don't see what's happening and don't really care as long as it's not in your back garden..

It's not that everyone is suddenly RACIST it's legitimate concerns based on what they see happening around them.

Immigration is out of control, far to many non english speakers who don't share the same values we do coming over here and virtually converting area into something unrecognisable to those who were living their happily for decades.

no one would mind if people slowly trickled in and adapted to our way of life but they don't they all pile into one area and take it over crippling public services and schools.
Luckily it's my sons last year at that school then he goes to a secondary school in a posh area where his education won't be crippled because a teacher has to spend so much time trying to help all the foreign born children keep up.

But ofcourse if none of the above is happening to your posh area then it's just racism!

D.P are you the guy who once openly admitted he owns a business and he likes the cheap labour?
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30 Apr 2006
D.P has the dubious honour of being the first person EVER on any forum to get added to my ignore list.

Total Whacko

It's temping, and this thread would only be half as long. But i'm going to stick to my principles of never using the ignore list. It's an easy way out. Besides, i can't wait to rub his face in all of it when UKIP excess expectations
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