Poll: General election voting round 5 (final one)

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 403 42.2%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 59 6.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 176 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 67 7.0%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 42 4.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 8 0.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 37 3.9%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 154 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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it's feasible that UKIP will have more mp's than the libdems so there's one good thing about UKIP they're good to embarrass cleg.:cool:

That's not even remotely feasible. UKIP will win 1-5 seats. Lib Dems will definitely win more than 20. It won't even be close.
How many times do Labour need to ruin the economy before people stop voting for them. :confused:

I think you need to realise that the whole Labour ruins economies, Tories fix them is a load of crap.

Remind me how we are doing on having paid off the deficit under the Tories?

its 2015, they promised in 2010 it would be gone by now. In fact they brought in a law to say it would be. That sounds familiar to yesterdays law on taxes...?

They promised they would rebalance the economy. That's not happened - we are more reliant on the service sector than ever before. In fact growth in the last quarter under the coalition is half that of the last quarter of the last Labour government. The first thing Osborne did was to increase VAT, which is the most regressive of all taxes to rise which promptly cut spending and consumer confidence. Competent with the economy my arse.

Their latest wheeze, despite having done nothing of what they promised in cutting the deficit is to decide that suddenly there is after all, billions of pounds spare for tax giveaways that will mostly benefit the rich, whilst refusing to say how they will be paid for aside from vague mutterings on further welfare cuts.

There is a reason they wont specify whats coming, in that it will be something that affects most families - cutting child tax credits for example - and hence massively unpopular and could cost them the election.
I think you need to realise that the whole Labour ruins economies, Tories fix them is a load of crap.

Remind me how we are doing on having paid off the deficit under the Tories?

National debt is now treble what it was in 2007 and the annual deficit is more than double what it was in 2007, which of course was before the banking sector blew up our economy and not Labour.

It makes me laugh when people just repeat Tory bullpoop it shows how ignorant the average voters are, still it probably doesn't help that Labour just suck it up and won't blame the banks either.
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In 13 years of Labour rule they did **** all for low earners. in fact they taxed you more. After 5 years of this government they raised the tax free allowance to the point were they have given everyone an extra £65 per month in their pay packet.

Just to put that into perspective for you

Lib Dem policy, not Tory.

Heart in the wrong place and do a good job of it?

:D Tories gonna Tory!
National debt is now treble what it was in 2007 and the annual deficit is more than double what it was in 2007, which of course was before the banking sector blew up our economy and not Labour.

National debt is irrelevant to how well a government is doing, it's deficit that's important.

Annual deficit is currently ~ half what it was in 2010, that means that when Labour left office in 2010 annual deficit must have been quadruple what it was in 2007 (assuming your figures are accurate).

So Labour quadrupled the deficit in three years, tell me again they did nothing wrong?
National debt is now treble what it was in 2007 and the annual deficit is more than double what it was in 2007, which of course was before the banking sector blew up our economy and not Labour.

It makes me laugh when people just repeat Tory bullpoop it shows how ignorant the average voters are, still it probably doesn't help that Labour just suck it up and won't blame the banks either.

Or how gullible the average Labour voter is....;)
I suppose I should vote LD, as at least it gives one more tick to their numbers to keep them seeming more of a realistic voting option in future elections.

I've come around to this too, vote for your first choice. If everyone does it gives a much clearer picture of true preferences.

So basically you only want to vote for a party who will give you free money?

Earn it instead!

You obviously haven't engaged brain. How is a parent supposed to "earn it instead" when they're looking after young children? Maybe they pay for childcare... We have the second most expensive childcare costs in the world, far beyond what low earners can afford. Hence benefits to help parents stuck in this trap.

That's not even remotely feasible. UKIP will win 1-5 seats. Lib Dems will definitely win more than 20. It won't even be close.

Today's forecasts are all down, now predicting 2-3 seats (from 1-5 a fortnight ago).
I think I've cracked why ocuk has such a tory ukip majority, it's lonely computer nerds who KNOW they're never gonna benefit from family tax credits and hate to see their bitcoin mining profits go towards folk who've had full sexual relations with an actual other person.:D
Anyway actually came here to post this article on AV:

Would alternative vote have affected the election?

In a delicious bit of irony, it turns out the Conservatives fought hard against AV before the referendum, but since the rise of UKIP, AV would make a Tory majority next week far more likely!

This view that the system opposed so strongly by the Conservatives - David Cameron called it "undemocratic, obscure, unfair and crazy" - could have helped the party is backed by Peter Kellner, president of pollster YouGov.

"In Tory-Labour marginals, second preferences of UKIP voters would have gone more to the Tories than to Labour - so if you've got seats where Labour takes them by 1,500 to 2,000 votes, the Tories might have taken them," he said.

"If AV had gone through, we would now be looking at the clear possibility of an outright Tory victory."


National debt is irrelevant to how well a government is doing, it's deficit that's important.

This is pub/popular economics (i.e. worthless).
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