Poll: General election voting round 5 (final one)

Voting intentions in the General Election?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 403 42.2%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 59 6.2%
  • Labour

    Votes: 176 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 67 7.0%
  • Not voting/will spoil ballot

    Votes: 42 4.4%
  • Other party (not named)

    Votes: 8 0.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 37 3.9%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 154 16.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Indeed, there is some small possibility the Tories get something like 295 seats and lib dems 29 say. That would give them a majority and would greatly change their options.

Otherwise, it is clear that the Tories plan is to make completely unfounded claims that a party without the most seats cannot become the controlling party. the onyl question is how far will they intend to break the law, or will they just try and manipulate the media

Are you still going on about facists and dictatorships - ffs give it a rest. The only way DC will stay as PM is if there is no coalition that can generate enough support, then hes only in power to provide some continuity until another election occurs or the time that a coalition can organise enough support.
The Tories don't need to try and manipulate the media. The media is quite capable of spewing this rubbish instead. They'd take anything over a Labour government. A Labour win would lead to the scrapping of Non Dom status, the breakup of large media empires and (unlike the Tories) they aren't planning to cut the ******** off the BBC over the course of the next parliament.

I can't seem to find that poll on yougov site, also let's be honest, what do we know? how many people were polled? how do we confirm that the people being polled are being honest about their political allegiance? Are they taken from some kind of yougov membership or random sample?
How were questions phrased etc..

So no, I don't think this is evidence that the wider supporter base holds racist views.

and again this is a deflection from a real measure, that is a parties policies. If UKIP policy was to e.g segregate and deport any non white nationals, than hell yes you could comfortably say that anyone who supports a party with such a policy is likely to be racist.

But you know and I know that isn't the case, UKIP policies are sensible and certainly do not encourage discrimination towards minorities.
But people keep throwing mud in the hope that it sticks.
You've got to see the funny side of it though, that UKIP have managed to spin their public school boy and city trader into the man of the people by just being photographed in the pub with a pint and a fag.

I think he's become a man of the people because he doesn't seem to shy away from providing answers (whether you like them or not) to questions asked of him. That and he seems to be tackling head on issues that most people of the street list in their top 2 or 3. I think he just enjoys going to the pub like most of us and doesn't hide.
A party strongly against immigration will unsurprisingly attract racists as members & potential candidates, even if the party it'self is squeaky clean & above board. Judging by comments from Alan Sked the founder of UKIP regarding the leadership the party has lurched towards that direction & abandoned it's core principles (euro-scepticism).

The bigger problem with UKIP is the laughable manifesto & policies, not so much the bigotry of a number of the voters/candidates/leadership team.

<I don't agree with studies which challenge my bias>


Does the view of the founder of UKIP count?.
OK I've given up caring now about this argument - seriously UKIP are going to command somewhere in the region of 12-15% of the vote so they are a legit party regardless what the press spin is about them.

I'm sure there are racists in every party plus the other hardcore party nutters that seems to worship the ground their own party stands on.

Not voting UKIP myself but not happy the way they are treated by the press. You just need to open you eyes and appreciate each parties agenda and spin.

A legitimate party doesn't mean they attract more racists, xenophobes, homophobes and bigots than other parties, size is irrelevant. Nor does the fact that there are racists in other parties detract in the slightest from the situation UKIP are in.

UKIP aren't treated any differently to any other party in rrgards to things the candidates say, it is just the candidates are out of order far more often than other parties.

Robgum has proved to everyone with a his lengthy post earlier how the media treat Lbaour, the Lib Dems and the Tories with equal disdain when their candidates say something nasty.
UKIP aren't treated any differently to any other party in rrgards to things the candidates say, it is just the candidates are out of order far more often than other parties.

I think others have shown that UKIP candidates are NOT out of order more often than others parties, they are in fact out of order LESS than other parties.

This clearly demonstrates that they ARE treated differently by the media. Unfortunately, some people are blinded by their own prejudices and lap this up without question.
What are you on about? I think it was yesterday you started rabidly going on about them breaking the law and so forth - I was on my phone and wasn't going to get into that kind of debate. They're clearly not going to break the law. Based on the predictions of places like electionforecast.co.uk, it's looking likely we'll be in a situation where Cameron can quite legally and legitimately stay as PM and wait for the Queen's Speech. It's nowhere near breaking the law. Not even flirting with doing so.

If there is a cohesive left alliance, that'll get defeated and we'll have a resignation or no confidence vote and then a Labour minority government or another election.

Ignoring the Queen's speech and squatting in #10 despite failing a vote of confidence would be illegal, or are you trying to suggest it would be perfectly legitimate for a party who failed the vote of confidence to rule the UK?
I think others have shown that UKIP candidates are NOT out of order more often than others parties, they are in fact out of order LESS than other parties.

Please post that evidence, I think you will find it is quite the opposite. UKIP candidates end up saying or doing things out of order far more frequently than other parties despite having fewer candidates.
I think others have shown that UKIP candidates are NOT out of order more often than others parties, they are in fact out of order LESS than other parties.

This clearly demonstrates that they ARE treated differently by the media. Unfortunately, some people are blinded by their own prejudices and lap this up without question.


how the tables hilariously turn
Please post that evidence, I think you will find it is quite the opposite. UKIP candidates end up saying or doing things out of order far more frequently than other parties despite having fewer candidates.

he's trying to suggest that the media makes it seem worse than it is.

You know the same rhetoric nigel likes to use when the panel askign questions are instantly declared lefties hand picked by the beeb to make him look bad.

Nope most of us aren't lefties we just want to know about your actual policy beyond blaming eastern Europeans.

And we would also like to know how you intend on replacing the the 22 billion in NET taxes the immigrants bring in to the country once you ban them all, Without raising taxes on hard working English folk.

Mind you not that it matters

being ran by unaccountable faceless ***** in Berlin is just as bad as being run by the unaccountable fake faced ***** in Westminster.

I can't wait for june when all this talk stops and we go back to collectively moaning about how they are all the same :)
A party strongly against immigration will unsurprisingly attract racists as members & potential candidates, even if the party it'self is squeaky clean & above board. Judging by comments from Alan Sked the founder of UKIP regarding the leadership the party has lurched towards that direction & abandoned it's core principles (euro-scepticism).

The bigger problem with UKIP is the laughable manifesto & policies, not so much the bigotry of a number of the voters/candidates/leadership team.


Does the view of the founder of UKIP count?.

UKIP is not against immigration, it is in favour of 'controlled' immigration.

Suggesting that UKIP is anti-immigration is willful mis-interpretation.
In fact, can you agree with me that our current immigration policy discriminates unfairly against non EU nationals?

So this man who founded UKIP in 93, says the party is racist, well what tells you if a party is racist? the membership and supporter base? since 93 the membership and following has grown enormously and measures to ban former members of racist groups has been introduced.

So no, I don't think the opinion of this man of a party 17 years ago can convince me that UKIP is a 'racist party'.

Again, look at it's policies and find me one that discriminates against minorities.
Ignoring the Queen's speech and squatting in #10 despite failing a vote of confidence would be illegal, or are you trying to suggest it would be perfectly legitimate for a party who failed the vote of confidence to rule the UK?

Ignoring the Queens speech?

If no one (or group) can pass the confidence test at that point he's he incumbent Prime minister with no one to replace him. That point we re run the whole thing again but in the meantime he stays Prime Minister - you don't actually believe that if nobody wins there is no government or PM for weeks /months whilst they fight it out.

I know you don't like the bloke but at least accept that's whats going to happen in this scenario
The question of legitimacy only exists because there's a real threat that the Left will outnumber the Right after the election; Labour, the SNP, Plaid and the Greens are almost certainly going to outnumber the Tories and UKIP. Bring in the NI parties and the figures will likely still be in the Left's favour.

It's as much an attack on the Lib Dems as it is Labour; don't go Left or you'll be propping up an 'illegitimate' government.
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And we would also like to know how you intend on replacing the the 22 billion in NET taxes the immigrants bring in to the country once you ban them all, Without raising taxes on hard working English folk.

you have no place here asking those leftie questions :rolleyes:

I can't wait for june when all this talk stops and we go back to collectively moaning about how they are all the same :)

The downside we'll be all moaning about further austerity as the Tories will need a way to fund all the pre-election bribes :mad:
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