cheers fanatic, ill do a bit of delving, its no biggie as the system was eating pubg just need to transfer over my SSDs and the system is complete.
Ordered this system from OCUK yesterday evening . Gone for a 1TB SSD with 2TB SATA, everything else as was originally listed. Looking forward to trying out the new Intel chip and the 1080TI, been rave reviews about both.
Hey guys, anyone here knows what is that *Build Stock* on the graphics card choice????
Hey guys, anyone here knows what is that *Build Stock* on the graphics card choice????
Unfortunately I can't help you with that, I just use one monitor at 1440p.Hi all. Have any of you chaps tried running dual monitors on this kit ? and whats the longest you've left them running without powering down.
If you were buying just the gpu, for the price difference it's better to go titan, but with the germanium it's better to save money and buy other components instead! If you are specially gaming, the 1080ti beats the titan.hi all, thinking of ordering the germanium. just a few questions, would it worth upgrading to the titan from the 1080ti or any other upgrades you can think of.
Thinking of this monitor .....Predator x34a