Getting/Got caught on porn

Me and my girlfriend have been caught in the act once or twice.

Once at her friends house baby sitting doing it in the lounge.
Twice at her folks house on the sofa in the lounge caught by her mum and then by her sister.

Her mum just kinda said nothing and left, but when the sister caught us (she's quite the nymphomaniac) a few weeks later we both think she watched for a good few seconds before we realised her... when our eyes met she just said "Looks like you guys are having fun" add an awkward moment or two as my girlfriend is bent over a sofa and I'm standing behind her... then the sister leaves and we finish up.

For a moment I did think she was going to join in lol :o

Thankfully me and the missus live together in our own place now... let the uninterrupted happy times commence! :D
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Well Ive never been caught until now... sorta. Was typing my "had a few close calls" post when I was called down staris so I went leaving the post half done on the screen. When I get back my mum is on the pc looking at my half done post and so also the rest of the thread :eek:
Well Ive never been caught until now... sorta. Was typing my "had a few close calls" post when I was called down staris so I went leaving the post half done on the screen. When I get back my mum is on the pc looking at my half done post and so also the rest of the thread :eek:
Never caught until you said it :D. You shouldn't have tempted fate xD. What'd she say?
Originally Posted by shauncr91
I just had to google what a Cleveland steamer was....that's gross :(

Talk about your understatements. Urgh!

Googled it too, yup whole suite is now asking "what is he laughing at"

We decided to find out what the true meaning of Bukake was, we were under the impression it was an old village tradition in far east. Well the internet didnt return anything from Wikipedia that day.

Should go google what Dirty sanchez realy is.
But Win+D minimises all windows on all monitors whilst Win+M doesn't.

Agreed. When I win+M, I minimise the first maximised window on my left screen. All other windows are untouched.

I don't believe the Cleveland Steamer story for the sake of the sanity of the child. I hope for their sakes they were fishing for laughs.

I used to get caught a fair amount. Once was after I'd done the deed, but before I'd had the chance to clean up. She hadn't noticed and was walking around my room tidying up whilst I was frozen (or stuck, if you will) to the seat. :(
the worst thing is when you've still got the background moans playing even though you've locked the screen. :lol
Useful key combinations to know:

Windows Key + D to minimise all programs to the taskbar and show the desktop
Windows Key + L to lock the computer and show the Windows logon screen

(not that I've had to use these for the scenario of this thread :p)

this should be stickied.... lol

That sounds worse than it should in this thread hehe
I got busted 'getting it on' with my then gf while we were having a fumble in the living room. No parents home for atleast 2 hours so we started de-clothing. Just about to attempt entry and I hear the front door go.

No time to dress so I just sat on the sofa and rested my jeans and T-shirt over my body in a lame attempt to look dressed. My gf wasnt so creative and just stood there starkers with a OMGWTF look on her face.

My mum being the legend she is, stood there quietly for a few seconds then said "I'll leave you to it" before shutting the door behind her. Since then I've always made sure I've not had to rely on her being so cool lol.
A fair few years ago now i was jerking off at the computer and heard my mum walking up the stairs. Getting the johnson away was obviously top priority, so pushed it back in the trousers asap and hurriedly zipped them up. Well aware now that i've not more than 1 or 2 seconds to get the porn off the screen i start to panic, not thinking straight i just start whacking away at the keyboard hoping that somehow my fingers would magically remember some sort of combination which would close the many pages of filth on the screen. The door starts to open and without a thought i dive head first at the power button, and succeed - nearly breaking my arm in the process - to get the computer off!

The door's now open.

I'm led on the floor, sweating, red faced and breathing heavily, clutching my arm and rocking back and forth - with a boner.

"What the HELL are you doing?!",


my one and only..

i was 18, had just got in from a heavy night out, went into the living room to watch television x free previews etc (seemed like a good idea at the time)

ffwd to the morning, my mum is waking me up, the tv channel is saying "television X free viewing time has ended", my jeans/boxors are around my ankles. And to top it off, I've spewed on my junk and on mum's new sofa

she was not a happy bunny :(

i drew this ages ago for another thread..

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