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Gibbo ETA for 3900x?

16 Jun 2004
Wow! That price is horrific.

Overclockers just don’t learn do they?

On the contrary, they've learned that when people feel the need to have the best, they will pay for it, regardless of the cost.

If people are stupid enough to give in to that, they're smart enough to cash in.
20 Oct 2010
I had the chance twice now to get it for original price and left it because i was waiting to see the 3950x and see if the difference in price was worth it. Devastated that they delayed it even more, means that there will be more sortage and price hikes on the 3900x.

I must say it put me off from buying the damn thing seeing 100 pounds more on the RRP but demand is high and people apparently pay it so they sell. In the end OCUK is a business. I won't buy untill it drops though, it hurts knowing how good this chip is and also knowing that i could have it for normal price sigh...
2 Sep 2017
The know exactly what they're doing, it's the consumers that are not learning.

The consumers have no choice, TBH. It's AMD's fault to not offer 12-core CPUs for the masses. They offer one very expensive HEDT Ryzen 9 3900X camouflaged behind the AM4 socket but it's all fake.
The consumers are forced to settle for much less - the "everybody's" 6-core Ryzen 5, and the also expensive (but slightly less so) Ryzen 7 3700X, that in turn is slower than the 8/8 i7.


9700k is about 15-23 fps faster then 3700x at 1080p , and thats using 2080. AC:Odd

funny enough, disable SMT and cuts it down to 10 fps slower

1440p thats about 5-7 fps difference

rest favour intel
1 Dec 2015

disabling SMT is like 9700k matching 9900k for gaming . good multicore coding in games is still hard to do . Console Titles have it nailed to perfection as they have to scrap anything and every thing in the last year of the 5-10 year life span . Unfortunately this is lost in console ports :(

switch to BFV and Ryzen does well- extra threads/ SMT help with huge pathways and netcoding

I'm like a h**ker , i float both ways for Intel or AMD, AMD or Nvidia - depends on the user and demands

thank you to AMD for knocking off $500-1k off X299X CPUS!
13 Jun 2016
£590 is a completely OTT markup and just taking advantage of their customers. I like OCUK, try to support them and would be prepared to pay a little extra for their service, but £590 is crazy. :(
14 Aug 2018
£590 is a completely OTT markup and just taking advantage of their customers. I like OCUK, try to support them and would be prepared to pay a little extra for their service, but £590 is crazy. :(
Especially when you consider they are probably buying them from AMD for the same price as they were when they sold them for £480 so the mark up is quite large.

On the other hand, with the 9900K at £500 then £590 for an all round better CPU doesn't see that mad. ;)
6 Dec 2013
the problem with retailer gouging is, it gives the product manufacturer a bad name as everyone (who doesnt know better) assumes its amd or intel inflating the prices and they are assuming wrong. but word of mouth is a powerful thing.. i understand the need for retailers making profit, but some shops take it to the extreme and will blame the likes of brexit; with stock that was brought prior or the pound to dollar on previously brought stock. any excuse to raise it, but less keen to bring it back down again. just think when the cpu is back at retail price on black friday and the people who dont understand how retailers work; the retailer is claiming its on sale down from the inflated price!
but if people are buying them at inflated prices, then its ultimately the peoples fault, as if they didnt but them, the price would drop.
i got my 3900x £100 of RRP and wouldnt even buy one above retail (any pc component), regardless of how badly it was wanted or needed.
15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
I did, but I still feel for those who decided to wait.

Although, I suppose the old saying is right; you snooze, you lose.
It's not First time I could make a list by now. Out of my head instant 980ti.. Like most of porducts last 2 years :D

TBH sucks for people that waited for 3950x and.. they are still waiting.
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2 Sep 2017
Especially when you consider they are probably buying them from AMD for the same price as they were when they sold them for £480 so the mark up is quite large.

On the other hand, with the 9900K at £500 then £590 for an all round better CPU doesn't see that mad. ;)

Ryzen 9 3900X is the most expensive but in some applications it is still slower than the cheaper i9-9900K. In gaming it is slower than even the cheaper i7-9700K.
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