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Gibbo is getting an R600!!

Deks said:
Maybe its not the increase in CO2 gases destroying the ozone layer leading to global warming. Its only a theory but could it be the introduction of all these new high powered graphics cards running in everyone's computer that has caused the increase in world temperatures?

Time to write a letter to the PM me thinks :)


no such thing as humans affecting global warming.....The earth has a natural tendency to warm and cool...all to do with solar activity ;)
neil27 said:
no such thing as humans affecting global warming.....The earth has a natural tendency to warm and cool...all to do with solar activity ;)

Phew! Looks like i'll be able to buy a new R600 with a clear conscience :)

Deks said:
If you use your computer regulary for 8hrs per day. Over a 2 year period this 80w equates to £46.72 in extra power consumption (based on 10p per KWh).

Multiply this by the number of units sold think of the increase to the global carbon footprint and the damage to the environment.

Gotta to go light another candle :)


Meh, What's that I hear the smallest violin playing :p ;) .
is this a topic of graphics cards :rolleyes: , or the chattering of george bush not caring about global warming?

Still no news about the XTX edition, is it going to have faster clocks as well as 1GB of video memory?.. this is the one i am waiting for
neil27 said:
no such thing as humans affecting global warming.....The earth has a natural tendency to warm and cool...all to do with solar activity ;)

Very true. The world has a natural tendency to warm and cool due to its proximity to the sun. This cycle takes roughly 100 million years and changes the earths temperature by roughly 20C up and down in that time.

In the past 100 years global temperature has risen about 2C. Yes... it's the sun. Of course it's a coincidence that those 100 years have seen the large scale increase in fossil fuel burning and other greenhouse gas emissions. Weird how such a sudden change in temperature has never happened before without a major natural event triggering it.
Darg said:
In the past 100 years global temperature has risen about 2C. Yes... it's the sun. Of course it's a coincidence that those 100 years have seen the large scale increase in fossil fuel burning and other greenhouse gas emissions. Weird how such a sudden change in temperature has never happened before without a major natural event triggering it.

The Earth is emering from a little Ice Age and is perfectly within the normal temperature and the normal temperature change patterns. Further, the ice caps have been far smaller than they are now and further to that there is actually no proven link between the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and the planet's temperature (there have been periods when carbon dioxide levels were far higher with temperatures that do not match the pattern you suggest).
Uhh.. duhh.. The ice age ended 10000 years ago thus allowing man to fully colonise the northern hemisphere.

Are you telling me that the world only just realised 100 years ago that.. "oh wait.. now I can warm up again!!"

Sure the temperature has been rising slowly since the last ice age. Not sure of the exact figure but it's somewhere in the region of 5C in the last 10000 years. Again I say.. 2C over 100 years as opposed to 5C over 10000 years??? FFS if you don't believe in global warming after 98% of the worlds scientists have proved it to you time and time again then you deserve to be the ones living at the shoreline when the tide comes in over your goddamn roofs. ******* idiots.

EDIT: 2% of the worlds scientists are paid by oil companies.
Perfect_Chaos said:
Still no news about the XTX edition, is it going to have faster clocks as well as 1GB of video memory?.. this is the one i am waiting for
There have been quite persistent rumours to the effect that the actual R600 chip on XTX will have the same clock speed as on the XT. The only difference will be in the memory: higher clocked GDDR4 (rather than GDDR3) and 1GB rather than 512MB.

Separate from that (I suspect) is the question of when R650 will arrive - that's the 65nm equivalent of R600 (which is 80nm). Supposedly we're in a replay of the R520/R580 scenario - R600 is 6 months late, but R650 is still on schedule (if you believe the rumours). Some supremely optimistic people believe that 2900XTX will actually be R650. Personally I think it's more likely to be another 2 or 3 months before R650 arrives.
nicolasb said:
There have been quite persistent rumours to the effect that the actual R600 chip on XTX will have the same clock speed as on the XT. The only difference will be in the memory: higher clocked GDDR4 (rather than GDDR3) and 1GB rather than 512MB.

Separate from that (I suspect) is the question of when R650 will arrive - that's the 65nm equivalent of R600 (which is 80nm). Supposedly we're in a replay of the R520/R580 scenario - R600 is 6 months late, but R650 is still on schedule (if you believe the rumours). Some supremely optimistic people believe that 2900XTX will actually be R650. Personally I think it's more likely to be another 2 or 3 months before R650 arrives.
if it is indeed 2-3 months then i would rather wait, the card would last a lot longer in DX10 games. Not to mention it should overclock better being 65nm?
willhub said:
There must be a way to force 2D clocks on it using some software.

No way I could find ! that's why the damm things run hot in 2D, I edited bioses etc. Ati run voltage and clock switching, 8800gts look to be doing voltage switching but will not work with lower voltage settings.

Ati tool helps with temps if You use a low 2D clock, Although I notice I have a few problems with high bitrate video playback now
JAKUS said:
No way I could find ! that's why the damm things run hot in 2D, I edited bioses etc. Ati run voltage and clock switching, 8800gts look to be doing voltage switching but will not work with lower voltage settings.

Ati tool helps with temps if You use a low 2D clock, Although I notice I have a few problems with high bitrate video playback now

Rivatuner can do it i believe.
Perfect_Chaos said:
Rivatuner can do it i believe.

Almost !! auto 2D/3D clocks but falls over comming out of S3 standby

Anyway I think we are a little off topic, Allbeit putting another + in ATI's court
benskia said:
Global warming is bull ****.
It's just an excuse for tax increases.

Now I am glad someone knows the truth apart from me :)
IF you can find conclusive data to say the global warming is beyond natural occurance (which you won't as no conclusive records go far enough back) , then I will rethink.

If humans think they have any major influence on mother natures power, then they have got so far up themselves she deserves to teach us a lesson ;)
Its just natural occurances of temperature variation, do you think the world has been static all these millions of years ? how do you think continents were formed ?

Bah, if you want to believe the overhyped political BS then go ahead, but thats all it is BS ... and do you know not one penny of the so called enviromrental tax on airline flights goes towards "fixing" the enviroment.
Catalytic converters were meant to cut pollution, now they are standard on recent cars they apparently make no difference, since when has a catalytic converter fitted car been cheaper to tax than on older non cat one ?
Not too mention the valuable and rare natural resources that have to be used to buiild these things ... anyhow this is another topic entirely, more fool you if you believe the BS spouted by politicians looking to appear as if they are caring for the enviroment :rolleyes:
endo of rant :)

Now lets get back to the topic ... when can Iget my sticky mitts on a R600 :D
Vogon said:
If humans think they have any major influence on mother natures power, then they have got so far up themselves she deserves to teach us a lesson ;)
Its just natural occurances of temperature variation, do you think the world has been static all these millions of years ? how do you think continents were formed ?
yes it is just coincidence, and natures fault that the ozone layer is disappearing.. my my, thats news to me.
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