Gigabyte DS3/DS4/DQ6 Guide

Well im running the F3 bios and my max fsb is 450 but i cant seem to get it 100% stable as soon as i load both cores using the TAT tool it crashes so im running at 442 which gives me 3.1ghz which im well happy with also gives an 18 sec super pi :D
I can get my E6400 at 3360Mhz (420x8) but then I get a weird whining sound from the CPU (I think it's the CPU anyway) but everything is perfectly stable.
Intel TAT temps are 58C ish max using custom watercooling.

Anyone know what this whining sound could be?
I personally think it could be due to the highly increased VCore of 1.4750V instead of the default 1.2650V.

Think I will just see how far I can get with just the default VCore, and then increase the VCore slightly.
3.2GHz with 36C absolute max load temp's are nice!
Massive Attack said:
Well im running the F3 bios and my max fsb is 450 but i cant seem to get it 100% stable as soon as i load both cores using the TAT tool it crashes so im running at 442 which gives me 3.1ghz which im well happy with also gives an 18 sec super pi :D
Nice..... Try using the F5 bios or higher which actuially has improved clocking for E6300 & E6400's!
djkav said:

I just built a

6300 with Ninja HS
1gb of Geil PC5300 667MHz

ATM im running at 2.9ghz
Vcore 1.41
Bus 420 * 7
Temps are around 60c under load.

Is this about correct for my set up, or could I expect to push further?

drop that Vcore down a bit, I'm guessing its gonna be prime stable at close to stock
As i Don't run a high overclock for 24/7 usage i thought i'd see how stable E6600 @ 7x500fsb i don't have great cooling and patience i let it go for half an hour as afraid to leave it just in case it cooked itself.....i guess a bit more credable than a 1mb super pi. :D

VeNT said:
drop that Vcore down a bit, I'm guessing its gonna be prime stable at close to stock

I dropped my Vcore to 1.3v

I'm now pushing 3.01ghz (430x7)

Temps are now 42/56c (idle/loaded)

>Do i run prime95 blender for about 12hrs to test for stability?
Massive Attack said:
anyone help, i am going to flsh the bios to F5 using the @Bios thingy but what di i do after its flashed? will i loose all my settings? do i have to reset the bios manually after taking out the battery?


Best thing, in my opinion, to do after every BIOS flash is too at least load the default settings. So make sure you have written down all settings you made ;-)
I think it will hold you settings, but should options have changed, then the old settings might screw things up. In the worst case scenario, so better to do a load default settings first, then safe and reboot and enter BIOS to set everything again.

Taking the battery out isn't nescaserilly(spelling).
cheers prism got me bios updated to F6 but i dont want to overclock anyfurthere because of the voltage going throught the chip, im at 1.45000 now i think thats far ebnough for me that gives a 3ghz ioverclock thats stable which is good for day to day use this guide has some good info an IMO should be sticyed
prism said:
Best thing, in my opinion, to do after every BIOS flash is too at least load the default settings. So make sure you have written down all settings you made ;-)
I think it will hold you settings, but should options have changed, then the old settings might screw things up. In the worst case scenario, so better to do a load default settings first, then safe and reboot and enter BIOS to set everything again.

Taking the battery out isn't nescaserilly(spelling).
I agree that resoring defaults to the current bios before flashing is a good idea, however once the bios is flashed I would reccommend completely re-setting the CMOS either by removing the battery or by bridging the jumper pins with a screwdriver...... This is mainly becuase the new bios version is better having a hard reset rather than via software... Just my opinion!
Monstermunch said:
I agree that resoring defaults to the current bios before flashing is a good idea, however once the bios is flashed I would reccommend completely re-setting the CMOS either by removing the battery or by bridging the jumper pins with a screwdriver...... This is mainly becuase the new bios version is better having a hard reset rather than via software... Just my opinion!

It's not a bad idea at all. I only do it when I can be bothered tbh.
Which is not much. When things are really weird, I will do it anyway.
64bit. General performance is great. But gaming leaves a lot to be desired. Still waiting for decent graphics drivers.
On the subject of flashing bios i allways restore to defaults before starting....and used to clear cmos after flash....but now when i change bios i flash main then backup straight after the other when done hit esc then restart go back in and then load defaults....this way of flashing is done by using Q-flash + floppy and by the book and without a hiccup i might say and done many i found by just flashing main bios when overclocking i have come accross more than once where the bios has backed itself up to the earlier version when just updating main bios.....but i suppose if i flashed in windows i would shutdown and clear cmos to be safe....well thats my two cence worth. :)
I have tried Vista RC2 for a little bit.
Since I mostly play World of Warcraft the performance has to be good.
I did found something weird.

The fps was like 20fps while under Windows XP it tops out at 64fps due to a problem in WoW that limits the fps to 64fps on dual core systems.
However, normally you would see massive stutter etc with only 20fps, but I had no such thing.
Even in a instance with 40 people the fps dropped too 15fps max, but still no stutters at all. So weird, since the game played fluently.

Haven't tried any other games, but I might try again this weekend with Quake 4, which I recently started again.

The only thing I did during installation was loading the ICH8R driver at the drive partitioning screen. Then in Vista I ran the chipset driver set from Intel which installed fine. Same for my Audigy 2, 7900GTX (used RC1 drivers on RC2) and other stuff.
long storie but Finally got there

hi all
got my new rig sorted after the worst few days of my life.
decided to get another rig in for the rendering job in max im
doing here and after reading forums decided on the ds4
E6600, 2 gigs geil, noisetaker 600w psu.
got it all and put it together and powerd on
fans spin and nothing happened, no bios.
thought id re look at forums on my xeon workstation to trouble shoot
and POW it shut off with a dreaded smell of electrics, dead.
2 non working computers
made a drunk choice to pull a stick of pc5300 out my buisness partners rig to
see if i could getthe ds4 working which worked for long enough to go to bios
then reboot loop.
replaced his ram, turned on and no boot on his rig.
3 non working computers @4am ****.
got the ds4 sorted next day though.
ithink having the 5300 ram in it helped cos i tryed the geil again and it got to the bios but cpu was far too hot
turns out i hadent got the heatsink/fan on propley(i think) which might explane my first boot loops
replaced with a freezeer 7 pro and temps droped
now running @3689.64 stable
fsb410 with [email protected] on cpu
bios ver f6
Well that's darn nice if your running @ 3.7ghz with only that in bios, speedfan or would be even nicer if you posted a screenie. :)
Cob said:
64bit. General performance is great. But gaming leaves a lot to be desired. Still waiting for decent graphics drivers.

Yeah it's not a slick as I was hoping, but I expect that's down tot the 805D CPU and carp gfx card I've got.

Prob going back to XP, may have a look at x64. At the end of the day prob XP will go back on
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