Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z87

Using a Coolermaster Haf X case here, Usb3 front ports also freezing up when plugging in my tauro 1tb portable hd - explorer freezes up. The usb 2.0 ports work fine.

Using drivers from the cd, haven't tried any posted here, yet.

So its not just you buddy.

Perhaps you have a different driver to mine because you're using Win8.

Mine is an Intel Driver, ver
( Win7 64bit Intel USB 3.0 Driver

after reading this i just tested my front usb 3.0 connections on my bitfenix ronin and my sniper mobo. One works fine but the other flashes my usb device but does not pick it up in windows or anything?
My driver version is, i am going to check all my connections and see from there if its anything else causing the issue.

fixed, the connection to the mobo had come loose, bloody usb 3.0 headers.
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Both my front usb3.0 ports pick up devices fine, its just they dropout all the time, and instant disk errors in windows logs.

I don't think its a header connection issue, ive reseated it several times.

Gigabyte suggested the F2b bios, but its made no difference to the usb3.0 port problem or the front panel mic.
G1.Sniper Z87 BIOS F2b mod

Modified with :
Intel RAID for SATA
Intel EFI SataDriver
Intel Boot Agent GE 1.4.10 to 1.5.48
Bigfoot PCIE Ethernet to
Intel PCI Accelerated SVGA BIOS 2179
Intel GOPdriver 5.0.1035
Intel EFI VBIOS 1215 to 6767
CPU Microcode Pack (with 06C317)
ME firmware to
Modified splash logo 2

worth a try see if it fixes the usb3 ports:p
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Have you gone into hardware manager and checked that all the drivers are installed?
As I had a weird fault where I couldn't play blu rays and it didn't come up with the name, although my drive recognised disks. Everything else worked fine. It turned out there was a driver not installed, think it was SM bus or something. Installed this and it worked fine.
for the last couple of weeks not only am i loosing the onbaord audio chip i am having no boot issues, ie the system fans all start up but i get no output and my usb keyboard unified device isnt always picked up when i start the machine and i have to unplug it and put it back in to get it to be recognised.
Now i have an ocd cpu but my gpu is currently not ocd, Would people send the mobo back and see what they find if anything or...
Thinking of running all at stock for a while to see what happens but surely i shouldnt lose audio chip or keyboard due to ocing? The cpu had been stable for gaming etc for a while but i have had the other issues since day 1, but i ocd from day 1.

The audio disappears when i restart the machine quite often, and often takes an unplug from the wall for a while for it to be picked up again. If this doesnt happen when not ocing then i guess im stuffed
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Got mine and it wouldnt even post, all i ever got was a flashing amber power button on the mobo, tried different psu's, tried it outside the case with just 1 ram module, cpu cooler and nada else plugged in etc.

These are great motherboards but ive read a lot of people having issues with them on the web, just google around and you will find they have had issues, im wondering if it was a dodgey batch or their QC wasnt up to scratch on these.

I have RMA'd mine, waiting on the RMA email at the moment, so im using my z68 build right now, got my 4770k sat in its box waiting to be unleashed lol
can only be a bios issue atm id suggest trying latest beta's as soon as they are released

cold boots and detection issues can also be down to memory and or cpu imc voltages
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Ordering a Gigabyte G1 Sniper Z87 (not M5) today, but I won't be using onboard sound as I have a dedicated ASUS Xonar Essence STX Audio card.

I read a comment, regarding Sniper M5 board.

Is this a true? I am ordering the non M5 version, but currently have Seasonic 860w '80 Plus Platinum' Modular Power Supply and a ATI 7950 graphics card.

personally speaking i would look else where for a motherboard, i have had nothing but trouble with mine in regards to audio and usb ports and stability (not always wanting to boot up even at stock settings) either the bios is not mature enough or there is a fault with the 1.1 revision of the board IMO
I have already ordered mine.

There must be loads of forum users who motherboard is working perfectly without any problems.
does it only do it from first startup? once reboot it detects it?

id still put it down to bios bug atm

did you test the modded bios I posted?
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