Gigabyte is "not aware of any problem"
Ok, as some of you may remember, I initially owned a GTX480 SOC which was artifacting. RMA'ed it, Gigabyte told me "it's faulty" and they sent me a new GTX480 SOC. I ran some tests (you can see them in previous page) and found that this card was also artifacting at stock voltage (1.035v). Thought to overvolt to 1.088v and all problems and errors were solved.
So I reported this issue to Gigabyte Global Technical Service (GGTS). This is what I wrote to them:
"I bought recently your GTX480 SOC. This card was producing artifacts, errors, crashes and freezes and got RMA'ed. Gigabyte here in Greece verified that this was a faulty card (couldn't operate at stock speeds) and sent me a replacement gtx480 soc, of the same revision, s/n and bios. This card, the card I'm using right now, had (has) the same problems. At stock voltage (as I saw later with OC guru, 1.035v) it was producing thousands of errors in stress tools and artifacts in gaming. When I thought to overvolt the card up to 1.088v which I currently use, all problems/errors disappeared whatsoever. My question is: what is the highest safe voltage for GTX480 SOC? Secondly, are you planning to issue an update of bios or something that would solve problems like mine that many users of many markets around the world have?
Thank you."
This is what they replied back to me!!!
"Dear George,
Thank you for your kindly mail and inquiry. As of now we are not aware of any known problem you mentioned, it might be the hardware faulty issue ,but if the problem still occurs, then there may be a problem with your attached hardware / component, we suggest you can contact your system supplier, and see if they can help you to test the entire system directly to see if there's a hardware / component problem, sorry for the inconvenience. If you still have any further question or suggestion about our products/service, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try our best to help you resolve the problem ASAP.
I consider the above totally unacceptable. There is a WAVE of complaints and bad cards and they know nothing???