Girlfriend mad at me.

Lol What!!!

Someone posted about doing this in an old thread on here

But i can't remember who posted it or which thread



Not that one..I had a look through the Archive forums but still couldn't find the post

Oh man this is hilarious.

Some of the comments are gold.

Whenever Bond slapped women in the early films, those weren’t part of the script, it was just Sean ad libbing what he felt was needed.

Sean Connery walked into a feminist rally... walked out with a hot meal and an ironed shirt.

He's slapping angels in heaven now.

Try not to worry about the volcels on here who think all single mothers are unworthy of future relationships. There are all sorts of reasons people break up or end up widowed.
It's water off a duck's back, I've indirectly heard it all over the years.

The term used by Mav is probably the most contrived and least imaginative, I assumed he'd do better.
OP I would let the dust settle and then have a good chat. Kids often get knocks and bumps, it's part of growing up. I'd be setting out my stall saying that I'll do my best to live up no my responsibilities, but if she goes flying off the handle over something trivial it's not going to work.
Suck up to her and sort it out over the weekend. If you're married, she'll take you to the cleaners, even though she says she won't at first - it's only a matter of time before her mates and family put ideas into her head.

Do you often base your decisions over threats of divorce and the outcomes that divorce entails?

Please tell me you are single because if you are in a relationship with a woman, it's worrying.
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