If you had a friend moving in and that friend was earning significantly less than you would you let them pay less due to having lower disposable income?
You're right of course, having a friend moving in is exactly the same as a girlfriend...
Well, actually, I don't know about you, but I don't tend to randomly sleep with my friends, but if that's what floats your boat then who am I to judge
Personally I think too many men are willing to give women a free ride. We are in an age of equality and so we need to apply it.
You're making the mistake of assuming it's always the man who would be the one paying more.
Would you rather have a relationship where you both have disposable income and so can do things together, or where one of you can't afford to do anything, and so therefore the other one has to either do things by themselves, or not at all?
what would happen if you owned the house outright?
If they paid rent/towards the upkeep, then I guess it could probably be argued they had a claim on the property.