Glory, glory Leeds United for me please.

20 Sep 2008
I'm finding it hilarious that people are still falling for it, even after the 2 pages of people saying it was a wind up.

21 Apr 2004
Sunny Wales
I did support them in mid table mediocrity thanks very much :)

People are quick to forget that I'm older than a lot of posters on here and remember the days of Whiteside/Moses/Robson when all we had to hope for was the FA cup.

Amen to that. The '83 Cup Final was the first game I remember watching and luckily I picked the right team to cheer on that day and I've stuck with them ever since....much to the consternation of my Chelsea supporting Dad. It was frustrating growing up, with a lot of my mates supporting Liverpool or Everton tacking the mick as we proceeded to do bugger all season after season. That 85-90 gap was a killer, I honestly thought we'd never win anything again (City fans must know what I mean) but luckily my faith was rewarded and I've had the last laugh! And yes, I'm hundreds of miles from OT but I don't really care, I've been to a few home matches, hope I can get to a few more next season. I don't need to justify why I support them, I just do. So I'll stick to being a glory-hunting plastic supporter and proud of it!
17 Apr 2009
Greater Manchester
I support Manchester United. Most probably because I am from Greater Manchester and my family has supported United since before they were called Newton Heath.

Doesn't stop every single person calling me a glory supporter, even though me and my cousin are on the verge of getting season tickets. :p
7 Mar 2005
For those whom surport man utd , liverpool etc that an't local, can you tell me why you surport them?

My dad supported them, he used to go to their games every week in the G.Best days.

When i was growing up and not knowing what a football was, my dad used to take me into the garden and tell me players names while he introduced me into football.. I didn't fully understand. Then i started to watch the players on TV and tried to copy them. I become a fan that way.

I don't care what other people say, its only a game. I watch it for fun win or lose.

Doesn't stop every single person calling me a glory supporter, even though me and my cousin are on the verge of getting season tickets. :p

They only call you glory hunters because man utd are at the top. People love to knock the guys at the top lol
24 Feb 2006
Oh god. Best thread i've read in a long time. Gustov, It went on so long I thought you were maybe the one who taking the rip! you got merked mate!!

Well done Dan and Nokkon(and others).

G|mp - you da man:p
24 Jun 2008
Real fans support their team through the good and the bad times.
How full was Old Toilet when united were 100% Pure suckage again?

Ill believe these people that they 'support', but if United turn to crap again and they suddenly become almost relegation fodder (And it could happen if they take out yet more loans to fund summer transfers sooner rather then later =p) And they jump ship to Chelski or who-ever, then they deserve to get shot :)

As for Stokecity_M, i support liverpool and dont live locally, nor born locally, because its the games i got taken to when growing up. My Significantly older cousin went to Uni there and took me to matches growing up.

I support Manchester United. Most probably because I am from Greater Manchester and my family has supported United since before they were called Newton Heath.

Doesn't stop every single person calling me a glory supporter, even though me and my cousin are on the verge of getting season tickets. :p

Someone in my Media class at uni has a season ticket to Old Toilet, Emerites and Chelski Bridge (Yes its deliberate before someone quotes me with the whole "OMG you dont even know the stadium names !11!!oneone) , glory supporting well and truely sorted year after year :p.
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21 Apr 2004
Sunny Wales
Real fans support their team through the good and the bad times.
How full was Old Toilet when united were 100% Pure suckage again?

Well, in the 70's (including our season in the second division) we had the highest attendace in the league (barring 70-71 and 71-72 where we were second), in the 80's we again had the highest attendances (barring 87-88 and 88-89 where we again were 2nd) and in the 90's the only year we didn't have the highest attendance (again coming 2nd) was the 92-93 title winning season due to a major rebuilding work at the time at Old Trafford.

So stop talking out your arse and show a bit of respect to the most popular team in the land by a country mile. ;)
6 Jun 2005
It was absolute hell in the 80's supporting Utd - especially where I was living at the time being surrounded mainly by Arsenal fans (and a few Liverpool ones later in the decade)
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