GOG , Good Old Games - Official Thread

Ok before the 50% deal finished i managed to purchase Phantasmagoria, Betrayal at Krondor and Return to Krondor, Police Quest SWAT 1+2 and Interstate 76!

All so cheap so can't really lose really, haven't got round to playing them yet but i like how GOG.com keeps them in like a book shelf ready for you to download whenever you want :)

Any more game recommendations off GOG.com would be appreciated.
I'm liking the amount of games that are on GOG.

I've got a tenner in the bank and a crappy laptop... can anyone recommend a game I must buy that will work on my machine?

I don't have the specs but it's not great but I'm sure some old games will work on it.

I'm considering "Scratches: Directors Cut". Anyone have experiences with it?

Edit: Or Commands 2 + 3... so much to choose from.
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I'm liking the amount of games that are on GOG.

I've got a tenner in the bank and a crappy laptop... can anyone recommend a game I must buy that will work on my machine?

I don't have the specs but it's not great but I'm sure some old games will work on it.

I'm considering "Scratches: Directors Cut". Anyone have experiences with it?

Edit: Or Commands 2 + 3... so much to choose from.

Scratches is very good. Definitely worth it if you like those kind of narrative-driven slideshow games. Make sure you play it in the dark with headphones for one of the biggest pant-staining moments you'll ever experience.
Give us a clue, Cliste! What genres? From my own GOG collection, for both low requirements and longevity (and general awesomeness) I'd recommend Disciples 2 Gold. Or if you like space sims, either Independence War (the second game in that series, Edge of Chaos, happens to be the greatest space sim ever made by the way). Or perhaps Divine Divinity for a big, sprawling RPG?

Come on man, help us narrow it down!
Scratches is very good. Definitely worth it if you like those kind of narrative-driven slideshow games. Make sure you play it in the dark with headphones for one of the biggest pant-staining moments you'll ever experience.

Scratches is very good, but it is one of those games where most of the puzzles don't make sense. It is more luck that you find out the answer then anything else.
Give us a clue, Cliste! What genres? From my own GOG collection, for both low requirements and longevity (and general awesomeness) I'd recommend Disciples 2 Gold. Or if you like space sims, either Independence War (the second game in that series, Edge of Chaos, happens to be the greatest space sim ever made by the way). Or perhaps Divine Divinity for a big, sprawling RPG?

Come on man, help us narrow it down!

I was very vague, I know. :P.

"Happens to be the greatest space sim ever made"... that says a lot, now I'm interested.

I do like action games but I'm up for anything that can be great and suck you in. Just trying to pass time when I'm supposed to be studying. Nice reply though :).

@Pestilence & voorhees1979... I just had a look at some videos and even the sound nearly has me crapping my pants.

Edit: Tempted by Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos now. I love the Mass Effect universe so going into another universe could be fun, although the gameplay is different, I don't mind. Or perhaps Disciples II... argh.

I've also never played Baldurs Gate :o. I heard they're releasing a HD version of it soon, though?
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Edge of Chaos is a rare space sim that not only has a great story and likeable characters, but is very free-form too. Combat is a real rush and, unlike most space sims, it's challenging too. Add to that the pseudo-Newtonian physics model and what you have is, as I say, the best space sim ever in my not so humble opinion. :)

Disciples 2 is a turn-based strategy game. It's renowned for its fantastic, bleak art style. It's a similar kind of game to the Heroes of Might and Magic series, but the battles are more like Final Fantasy; i.e. units don't move, they just take actions and attack. The gold edition has a ridiculous amount of content that will keep you going for months. It's one of the most compelling strategy games I've ever played and it never leaves my hard drive.

Action games aren't really my thing. Looking at my collection I only have Far Cry, although that is a great game. Looking at the GOG action section some of the titles that stand out are the Hitman series, Thief series and MDK series.

Hope that helps!
That helps a lot, thank you. I'm going to get Disciples 2.

Out of all the GOG's you own, which are your top 3? Cheers :D.
That helps a lot, thank you. I'm going to get Disciples 2.

Great choice! That'll keep you going for ages. You get the splendid soundtrack with it too. :D

Out of all the GOG's you own, which are your top 3? Cheers :D.

Ha, well, I only own 35 of them and two have already been mentioned - Disciples 2 and Edge of Chaos. If I had to pick one other from my collection it would probably be Dungeon Keeper 2; very amusing game. :)

Oh, and on my wishlist are such highlights as Alpha Centauri, Planescape Torment, Neverwinter Nights and Ultima 4+5+6. I'll get 'em all eventually!
Cliste, what do you think of Disciples 2 so far then? Which race did you begin with?

I'm really enjoying what I've played so far... trying to fit playing time with Uni. and study hours.

I read about the Undead Hordes before I chose them and they seem to be good to play with. Still getting used to the controls. You're right about the artwork, it's really nice :D.

Hope to play more of it tonight. Cheers for the recommendation. :cool:
I'm really enjoying what I've played so far... trying to fit playing time with Uni. and study hours.

I read about the Undead Hordes before I chose them and they seem to be good to play with. Still getting used to the controls. You're right about the artwork, it's really nice :D.

Hope to play more of it tonight. Cheers for the recommendation. :cool:

Splendid! You're welcome; there's not much better than recommending a game to someone and they end up really liking it! The game absolutely drips with atmosphere doesn't it?

And in a couple of years, when you've finished all the campaigns, there's Disciples 3 to play! :cool:
Alone in the Dark 1, 2 and 3 are on offer this weekend as part of some Atari 50% deal. Can get all three for $2.99... bargain!


Prob. been mentioned before but works best for me to checkout by Paypal rather than GOG direct as otherwise I get hit by Santander for overseas transaction fees which cost about as much as the game.
number 1 is a very good classic but a bit too old n cheesy to really get into, number 2 however is perfect.


Both are fundamentally similar, it's the details that make them play differently.

1's more difficult, due to the AI being better and ship designs are less of a crutch to get around production deficits. It does suffer from the low standard resolution of its time and visually is a lot more dated than 2.

2 is a very solid game, helped by the improved interface\resolution though there's a little too much micromanagement (partly because of the increased galaxy size, partly because you directly control building on individual colonies rather than using sliders). There's a reason it's used as a reference point for other 4X games ;)
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