Went back today to play @ Radyr golf course. Wish I was playing there next year, as I tend to have a good game there. The fairways were great and greens even better today. Much much MUCH better place than cheap 9-hole club I'm at right now. £25 in winter but £70 in summer. Membership: 1k annual,
1k joining fee
I would consider it, but I've already committed to another course (deposit paid), which is slightly shorter and less forgiving, but I'll give it a year at the new place from April and see how I get on. At least at Radyr, I can open up the shoulders and really hit driver properly.
I shot 84, even though my hands were cold and it was pretty chilly when we first started, drizzled a bit but turned out an OK weather-day in the end.
Front: 44
Back: 40
7 Pars and 1 Birdie.
6 was the high score of the day, so super happy with that
40% GIR, 36 putts, 62% fairways hit. 2x 3putts
Course; 6000 yards (yellows) - Majority of par4s are 400 yards, there or thereabouts.
Par or Birdied all the par5s, very pleased.
Average drive 230yards (brought down due to last 4 drives on last 4 holes, all tired drives, around the 200 yard marker.)
Couple of things I've noticed today:
My bunker confidence is low. Only went in 1, but found I don't really know the correct feel to make a nice bunker shot, need to work on that. Ended up thinning it and shooting over the green into some further rough, which cost me 2 shots.
Being on a course where the fringe of the greens are actually puttable from, makes a huge difference if you miss your approach shot and getting up and down on a big course is actually relatively simple.
Stop forgetting to eat as you go around. Dipped in energy at the end, driver was going straight, but not the usual new distance.
Could have saved a bunch of shots from a few better putts, where the ball stopped less than half an inch from the hole, left or right.
Sticking to my putting routing is helping.
Mark it, no matter what.
Clean ball, check how its lying
Read the green from front, side and back.
Pick a shorter mark on the green and aim at it.
Shorter stroke seems more effective for me, rather than any big backstroke, as I tend to change speed a lot if its a long backstroke.
What are your routines like?
What are your courses like in yardage?