It's not so much comfort as not feeling the love

The looks generally being squarer/smaller just don't appeal etc. If I'm gonna spend £150-250 (+!) I want to feel good about what I've bought and looks do that for me, I'm vain
Just played another 9 hole at the local, weirdly played really well, wasn't really trying but ended up hitting the ball decently, I should not try more often... I think it goes back to the whole golf being a mental thing really, my best ever round seemed more like I just didn't get annoyed at the bad stuff, similar today really.
Joys of golf though, 7th hole, ~140 yard par 3 with a drainage ditch maybe 10 yards in front of the green. Yesterday I hit an 8 Iron reasonably well, bit thin and it barely made it over the ditch and didn't quite get onto the front of the green, I'll take it any day but not great. So today I took a 7 iron and just 'pured it', it pitched about a foot past and slightly right of the hole and rolled to the back of the green. I just need to hit the 8 Iron like I hit the 7 Iron today, simple