Nothing like the same level but had a bit of an annoyance during this mornings golf...
I couldn't get the first tee slot as a 2-ball had already booked it by the time I got around to it, that's fine, but I turn up and get ready, go to the practice green for a bit and as I'm walking back to my car at 7:30-ish (they're tee time is 7:32) they're still getting their stuff out the car/shoes on. They'd been there since before I arrived and whilst I was ready to tee off in plenty of time they weren't ready at their tee time. It's not the end of the world, not gonna complain or anything (other than this obviously
) But they finally tee'd off about 7:38, 2 minutes before I'm supposed to go. And then being a two ball, and I was in no rush, I walked nice and slowly so didn't wait 'too much' but still it took 1h30 rather than ~1h15 usually.
On the plus side I was walking down the 2nd fairway when I spotted a shadow behind me to the right, I listen to music through headphones so didn't hear a thing, then a wild dog appears! I say wild, I've seen the dog walking with an elderly gentlemen in the mornings but today it came up for some scratches, I like dogs.
Anyway, round was reasonable, especially considering the mats were mostly frozen and a touch slippery so couldn't really swing anywhere near 100%, longest drive was 164 yards when I'm definitely capable of 190+ but I was hitting it nicely for the most part, par'd the last 2 holes and got a score 1 behind my best for that course so happy days. Also seem not to have continued the chipping-yips from yesterday, that's a relief