Golf Thread

Well first competition of the year completed and won! 41 points on the 17 holes secured me victory. That's 2 from 2 as I won the 3 club challenge on Boxing Day. Subplot twist as even though the comp was Stableford and not qualifying for handicap purposes the Club Secretary has made a manual adjustment and knocked me a shot of my handicap. I don't think the old boys are happy with me and I've now been called "faulty", I can't complain but I will!
Well first competition of the year completed and won! 41 points on the 17 holes secured me victory. That's 2 from 2 as I won the 3 club challenge on Boxing Day. Subplot twist as even though the comp was Stableford and not qualifying for handicap purposes the Club Secretary has made a manual adjustment and knocked me a shot of my handicap. I don't think the old boys are happy with me and I've now been called "faulty", I can't complain but I will!

Another Bandit, good to see :D
Played a nice early morning round today, 7:08 tee off \o/

40-45mph gusts made things interesting, especially as it was 'the wrong way' so usually the tricky 510 yard par 5 first hole is downwind but today it was into wind, good 3w off the tee got pushed right by the wind (gonna blame it, not my striking!), nice hybrid for the second shot and a very solid 5 wood for my 3rd and I'm still 140 yards away! duffed a hybrid for that shot leaving my 90 yards in and ended up picking an 8 Iron for 90 yards, worse it was the perfect club :eek:

Annoyingly my headphones said 'charge me' on the second hole and then turned off on the third, nice to have a decent warning :p

Local course was a bit damp in places, with one temporary green, but not too bad given we had a bunch of rain again last night but now got two dry days before the rescheduled greensomes match on Wednesday lunchtime.

Overall I scored 46, my best there is 45 over 9, so happy with that, also my putting after being terrible yesterday was solid today, 16 putts/1.8 average.

One downside is my elbow, it started getting sore a couple of weeks ago and I've been icing it, using deep heat, ibuprofen, a compression sleeve etc. Even took basically the entirety of last week off golf. But it's still quite sore and seemingly getting worse. Oddly I think it's more from picking up the bag constantly when carrying than the golf swing... Got too much golf booked to stop entirely but gonna start using a trolley for the 18 hole games in Bristol at least, if it is carrying then that should ease it at least.
One thing that doesn't make much sense to me is course handicap.

Example: at my course
My WHS: 18.1
Yellow = 6113yards. P71. Course Handicap: 20
Whites = 6297yards. P71. Course Handicap: 20
Blue = 6505. P70. Course Handicap: 21

Playing from the whites is certainly more difficult to score the same and no way will I only average 1 stroke worse playing from Blues. What am I missing here?
The course handicap is (currently!) calculated by:
Handicap Index * (Slope Rating/113)

I think...

So I'm guessing your course's slope rating is around 125? For Yellow and Whites at least.

It's actually changing as of the 1st April to be:
Handicap Index * (Slope Rating/113) - (Course Rating - Par)

So really, right now at least, the main influencing factor is Slope Rating, which is a magic number plucked out of thin air by fairies :p

Or I think they look at hazard and bunkers and length and other stuffs... But oddly 113 is 'average', so a golfer at an average course (113 SR) gets their index in shots rounded up/down as applicable. But most courses are either easier than average (the one I score best on, funnily enough, is 108 slope rating iirc) or harder like yours.

Par, and even gross score, of a course/round are basically meaningless really.
One thing that doesn't make much sense to me is course handicap.

Example: at my course
My WHS: 18.1
Yellow = 6113yards. P71. Course Handicap: 20
Whites = 6297yards. P71. Course Handicap: 20
Blue = 6505. P70. Course Handicap: 21

Playing from the whites is certainly more difficult to score the same and no way will I only average 1 stroke worse playing from Blues. What am I missing here?
It's suggesting that, on average, your holes are roughly (blue > white = 208y diff over 18 holes = 10-15 yards difference per hole).
That's just 1 club difference for your approach depending on your yardages, which equates to an extra shot, over 18 holes.
Well first competition of the year completed and won! 41 points on the 17 holes secured me victory. That's 2 from 2 as I won the 3 club challenge on Boxing Day. Subplot twist as even though the comp was Stableford and not qualifying for handicap purposes the Club Secretary has made a manual adjustment and knocked me a shot of my handicap. I don't think the old boys are happy with me and I've now been called "faulty", I can't complain but I will!

who are you lot.... 41 points from 17 holes.... Jesus wept...

I'd be demanding 3 shots off handicap for that... :cry:
It felt like I haven't holed a single putt all winter (despite our greens being not too bad over the last few months) so I reverted my putting grip back to standard (had previously putted left hand low for about the last 6 years) and the last few weeks have been a birdie bonanza, holing absolutely loads. I think I'll need to stick with this and try and ingrain the feeling before the season starts proper.

Game seems to be in decent shape at the moment, trying to keep the swing going over the winter. Finished 3rd on Saturday there in the 14 hole stableford with 32pts
Has anyone here tried any of the swing speed training like SuperSpeed etc?

As it's one of my goals (get over 100mph for a 'normal' driver swing) I'm quite tempted, probably the SuperSpeed set with the PRGR monitor, almost bought some yesterday but given my elbow thought it'd be best to see how long that's gonna take to fix itself before I spend any money :p

Do they work, most people seem to say they do but maybe the speed regresses a bit if you stop using them?
Has anyone here tried any of the swing speed training like SuperSpeed etc?

As it's one of my goals (get over 100mph for a 'normal' driver swing) I'm quite tempted, probably the SuperSpeed set with the PRGR monitor, almost bought some yesterday but given my elbow thought it'd be best to see how long that's gonna take to fix itself before I spend any money :p

Do they work, most people seem to say they do but maybe the speed regresses a bit if you stop using them?
I've used them during lessons, they're good and do help you work on club speed. I wouldn't pay $178 for 3 of them though!
Has anyone here tried any of the swing speed training like SuperSpeed etc?

As it's one of my goals (get over 100mph for a 'normal' driver swing) I'm quite tempted, probably the SuperSpeed set with the PRGR monitor, almost bought some yesterday but given my elbow thought it'd be best to see how long that's gonna take to fix itself before I spend any money :p

Do they work, most people seem to say they do but maybe the speed regresses a bit if you stop using them?
mate got a set cheap from someone else - it's fine to add a bit of speed but you need to keep it going....

If you get some cheap - fine - but I certainly wouldn't be paying much money for them.

Honestly - being more flexible would be more beneficial to most golfers.... Swings speed ain't all that....
hey guys,

i have just finished a session in the net. My LM is telling me that my clubs (only hit GW, 9, 8, 7) are launching a couple degrees over the "recommended" launch angle, plus, I feel as though im coming up short after I middle one? Could that be a sign to look at adjusting my loft by a degree or two?

Would that help if I looked to do so?

FWIW, when I had the Rapsodo LM I thought I was losing distance, so I cant see it being a coincidence.
Does your launch monitor give clubhead data? I'm no expert but I'd suspect rather than it being a thing with the clubs it's a delivery issue, e.g. you're delivering more dynamic loft than desired...

When you say reccommended launch angle is that from the club lofts or from the LM software? Different clubs have widely different static lofts...
Does your launch monitor give clubhead data? I'm no expert but I'd suspect rather than it being a thing with the clubs it's a delivery issue, e.g. you're delivering more dynamic loft than desired...

When you say reccommended launch angle is that from the club lofts or from the LM software? Different clubs have widely different static lofts...

Yeah. It does, but even striking it pure gives me a feeling I could be getting more out my shots.

Yeah, from the software, it says that’s from all the clubs I hit, for about 90% of them.

True. I might mess around with different balls too, I’m using some TreoSoft Bridgestone balls atm, which I use cause they were on offer, it in the league of the pro V or such.
Yeah. It does, but even striking it pure gives me a feeling I could be getting more out my shots.

Yeah, from the software, it says that’s from all the clubs I hit, for about 90% of them.

True. I might mess around with different balls too, I’m using some TreoSoft Bridgestone balls atm, which I use cause they were on offer, it in the league of the pro V or such.

It sounds like the same/similar 'problem' I have, my Dynapower 7 Iron is a 27 degree loft club but even with my slow-ish swing speed (mid-70's ish) I don't hit it 'that far'.

I saw in a video a bit ago someone hitting the same iron 150 carry in a GCQuad sim at 72mph clubhead speed, the interesting bit being his dynamic loft was 18.9 degrees, so 8 degrees less than static.

When I was next in the simulator mine was 30-32 degrees, so 3-5 degrees more than static. I did do some work on that and if I concentrate on it I can get it to 22, so 'de-lofting' but not to quite the same extent as I've seen others do, but it's very much still a work in progress to make sure the 'hands are ahead of the club head' at impact.
Look at your angle of attack on the irons if the monitor has that.

it has face to path and angle, but I don't think it supports angle of attack yet. :(

hopefully coming soon in an update..

I have decided anyway when I go back to my lesson pro, im gonna take the ST+ with me and see what's going on first hand, rather than me trying to I managed to setup the SkyTrak app on my phone, so I won't have to lumber my iPad there (as its on a stand).
just to throw it out there for some far do you average your 7 iron??? if you know of course...

im not 100% sure on mine, but when I tested for fitting last year, I was around 162-165, but now, I think im around 145-150..accoding to the ST.
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