Never had a 30 minute lesson, only 60 and that feels fast can only imagine the same in 30. Surely you can’t benefit that much and make changes in that sort of time
Depends. I think if the teacher is good enough they can identify an issue within 5-10 shots and give you some pointers, offer up a 'feel' and see a correction.
I know it's quite a contentious issue with some coaches though. My short game teacher thinks anything less then 45 minutes is a complete waste of time given that it can take some golfers up to 30 balls/half an hour to really get into there 'natural' swing. My long game teacher on the other hand thinks that your first shot is pretty representative of the whole ie. if you're hellishly out to in on your first swing, there's no way you're feeling your way out of that regardless of how many balls you warm up with.
Suppose it depends on your skill level. A true beginner or even middling amateur might have a glaring issue that's obvious straight away. If you're closer to scratch then there could be something quite specific that only rears it's head once every so often that needs addressing.
I certainly prefer a longer lesson though, even if there's an issue that's addressed early on. Most teachers have given me a good feel within 15 minutes but proceed to talk my ear off about twaddle for the rest of the lesson. needless to say I didn't stay with those guys. The BEST coaches will give you a decent time to warm up, analyze your swing over time and have you hit balls for the remainder of the lesson and step in to verify good technique and feels. My short game teacher is excellent for this. Golf is all about boring repetition, after all.
For reference, I pay £65 an hour with my long game coach once a month and £85 for 1.5 hours with my short game teacher once a fortnight.
going rates seem local club is £15 for 30 half hour..which is decent, but I hate to be critical about the pro, but he doesn't "teach" and more "preach"
As mentioned above, I've had plenty of these. Guys that regularly battered everyone in the club comps but weren't good enough to get on tour who think they're gods gift.
Couldn't care what you did or didn't do in your playing career pal, just tell me what I'm doing wrong on what I should be doing to fix it.
£40 for 45 minutes - trackman data sent after and pictures/things to work on sent via whatapp
Stuff like that is SO important post lesson I think. Most teachers could probably have you leaving the lesson thinking you're ready for the tour, but what happens when they're NOT there is more important. Data, data, data. You need repeat visual cues and reinforcement when you practice on your own. It's too easy to slip back into bad habits and you might as well just burn money set aside for lessons at that point.