I found it to be the opposite. My versa was awful for accuracy for sports, sleep and recovery compared to my Garmin! I was a Fitbit advocate for a good 10 years. However I'm a convert now. That said I'd rather have a sports watch than a smart watch since I'm so active.
I agree, the garmin sleep stuff is excellent on my 745. Also works better than anything else for most things, and the battery life is king. But then I do use it for multi day hiking, so I prefer the old style display.
Loads of reports of it showing people as deep sleep when they read in bed before sleeping or if they chill on their phones in bed in the morning it shows that as sleep. People getting up in the night for the loo and it shows as sleep in the tracking. There's been lots of testing and comparisons that show their algorithm to be pretty medicore.
Maybe it's watch dependant.
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