Uh because the costs are massive to Stream 4k? Google are losing cash now obviously to gain market control if they fold who pays for that monumental cost? Its fact as soon as they realize the obvious that they are never going to beat Steam they will fold and you will never be given the same as what happened to movie UV online because the server costs for running stadia games are huge lol. They need to keep them upgraded with the latest hardware and is costing Google a fortune.
I doubt it. These would be known costs going in, so would be accounted for. Also, I stream a lot of 4k video already, as does a lot of the world (you've heard of Netflix, right?) I don't think the cost is that high. I also suspect they are using equipment already in place for storage that actually does very little processing, or even use very little bandwidth as a photo/video locker, so it would make sense to make use of this at very little cost.