Baffling reply..Oh so all i got wrong was it used the wrong type of GPU. Thanks also for confirming my fear that they formed thier own studio. How surprising! Woke Feminist games made by Google given favouratism on thier own platform. Also spotted your anti Steam outlook you say thanks to Epic for being little children and instead of reconizing Steam had the idea first they want to only sell thier games on thier own platform like a baby who does not want to share toys.
Lol anyone reading this will laugh at being pro Epic store and anti Steam. They will also laugh and know exactly what happened on Youtube like i said will happen on Stadia. You partly proved this i had no idea they were forming thier own studio as i did not think they had the nerve to do it so soon. That is what a few billion can do though, Suck in all the gullable masses. As they say, I was not born again yesterday.
Of course there going to open there studious.. they want a piece of the lucrative gaming market.. how dare Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Valve do it...shameful...
Woke feminists? No idea what you're talking about, you completely lost me
Anti Steam??? No, ive been using steam for years, I like steam, and I LOVE Valve, but they started to have a straggle hold on the PC market, they got lazy, the sales aren't anywhere near as good either, epic offer another solution and offer free games to gamers too.. competition is good the the consumer
You may ha e not been born yesterday, but your certainly seem stuck in the past.
I get it, you dont like stadia and thats absolutely fine, im not going to try and change your mind, I don't careless what you think. But it doesn't change the fact that you are talking krap, why are you even on this thread???