US: Gotham (US spoilers)

Well that was pretty crazy. Really enjoyed that. Love the guy that plays Mini-Joker and I find psycho women on TV so, so hot and have no idea why hahah! Barbara, Harley Quinn, Natalia from Goldeneye; the list goes on!
Both episodes have been top notch so far. We have the smoking hot Jessica Lucas parading around skin tight clothing, Peter Frain playing the sort of character he revels in, and excels at, and the interplay between Bruce and Alfred is just so good that it's beyond words. Then again, Alfred's story to Lucius had me in stitches, "I tucked him up. Like a kipper." :D
Well that was pretty crazy. Really enjoyed that. Love the guy that plays Mini-Joker and I find psycho women on TV so, so hot and have no idea why hahah! Barbara, Harley Quinn, Natalia from Goldeneye; the list goes on!

Probably because they get hot women to portray them? :p

Agree with the above comments. Show has been really good. It'll be cool to see how bruce evolves into batman as well as Gordon into chief
Probably because they get hot women to portray them? :p

Was gonna say the same. It ain't rocket science.
Saying that, Barbara is even hotter now that she's a nutjob :o Ok, a trying really hard to be sexy nutjob, but whatever. She's fit as either way...

As for the show... They really have found their footing with the look, feel and violence, while retaining the right amount of comic book panto in places.
Not sure that Sionis should be gone this early, but whatever.
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Bah, I wish they hadn't killed him. I get what they are doing with the character but the kid playing him was far too good to be killed off.
I'm really torn on that episode. On the one hand it was pretty damn good, but I'm not liking this Smallville-esque "We'll have the Joker in all but name, but as long as don't name him continuity is preserved" twist. He'd have worked far better as a recurring protagonist getting a little more unhinged and more Joker like each time and made better and longer use of how damn good that guy is.
Last couple of eps have been better but killing Jerome was an even worse mistake than introducing a 'Joker' on the show at all.

Now it just means that the actual Joker will just be a copycat, which is significantly less interesting.
Just been reading that Gotham cannot have the Joker and as far as they went with Jerome was all that was allowed by Warner Bros. They do not want another Joker around at the same time as the movie Suicide squad. That is apparently why there is no actual reference to the joker in Gotham as well.

Bit pants if true tbh....
Lame as **** if true... They can't have much faith in the movie, or they were surprised at how good this Jerome guy is.

They didn't have to kill him off though. They could've at least left it open ended with him presumed dead or banged up in Arkham or something. It's not like he had to return in the show - as much as we would've liked to see it.

Saying that, while Jerome was great, and as decent as his origin story was, I think it was too early for him to be there anyway. It's gonna be at least another 10-12 years or more before Bruce dons the cape, and in pretty much every telling of Batman, Joker is more a reaction to the Bat, not the other way round.
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I agree it was too early. I think Jerome has been used to create a bit of madness and set the way for a darker side of Gotham. The Joker will come later with Batman but I doubt this will ever be shown in Gotham. I doubt they would be allowed tbh.
Finally caught up with all this seasons episodes. Really liking it so far, feels a bit darker and more gritty that season 1.
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