I thought it was in general pretty rubbish again.
Stand off between the lieutenants in the warehouse was, I don't know, it's like they are trying to camp it up, standing in weird positions and exaggerating movements. They keep getting Gordon to pull weird faces when he speaks to people. It's all just odd and out of place and the dialogue is frequently terrible.
Then Cat... girl I guess, seriously what, a terrible shot of her landing on a car then sliding down a pretty flat car front.... but without any shot of say dropping down from a fire escape or some other place that would mean dropping down on to a car made any sense at all?
Imagine if you will a wide open street in the middle of a day with cars not parked anywhere near a fire escape with loads of people standing in a queue who will be looking around the place. A girl randomly jumps on top of a car(making a noise), then slides down the front of it.... it's just ridiculous.
Now put that burger cart at the end of an alley with a car parked down it and someone using the alley as a shortcut, her dropping down(silently, because the thud of a someone on a car would make you look around ffs, that might be the most stupid part of it) and nicking a wallet but Gordon looking around happens to see it happen. Now that would be perfectly fine and work as a scene. It's things like that, everything is forced, it's written very poorly with lots of really badly done scenes. If you go back and look at that particular scene it's just embarrassingly stupid. They even throw in for good measure the him running, then the kid struggling with the guy over the wallet, the huge delay in Gordon getting across the street and the ever irritating person disappears in 1 second flat at a distance of 5-10metres with a shot of a street in which there is absolutely no where at all to disappear. She isn't magic ffs.
Again doing that scene at the end of an alley would give places for her to hide or make it out of the alley into a busier road on the other side.
Thoroughly disappointed so far. I don't think Shield has improved much either, I think what happens with a lot of shows that people aren't always aware of is even in a dodgy show you grow to know/like the characters a bit and your opinion changes as you get a bit more invested.
With a lot of shows the first 5 eps you really don't know the characters well so a lot of things seem unnatural for that character but after half a season if you go back and watch those episodes again they likely make a bit more sense and feel more natural as this time you know those characters. Effectively even if a show doesn't change in quality at all people tend to like them more the longer they watch them.