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GPU prices

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27 Oct 2013
If it drops to around 1.20, that is when pound prices are actually higher than dollar prices. So a $500 product because $550 !!

Due to VAT, shipping and margins, then add on top any gouging due to supply and demand.

It aint looking good, wonder how those exit voters are feeling, thanks for ruining our economy in the short term. My god I do hope things improve otherwise time to pack my bags and move to Germany. :D

Yep no one thought about the graphics card prices forget everything else its all about computer components lol But yh damn leave voters ruining the economy based on lies and a false sense of patriotism...
17 Sep 2015
Yep no one thought about the graphics card prices forget everything else its all about computer components lol But yh damn leave voters ruining the economy based on lies and a false sense of patriotism...

The one good thing is that my gf was wholly supportive of me pulling the trigger on a whole new build, since price uncertainly meant waiting wasn't looking advisable.
27 Feb 2015
I see the 980ti's have gone up in price, since gibbo said they not affected by the exchange rate I am curious why that is. ocuk seem to be fiddling with prices on a daily basis trying to maximise profits. Very volatile pricing.
20 May 2007
So why even state that console prices would rise too. :confused:

A consoles price increase of £20-30 isn't suddenly going to make a 1080/1070 look like good value.

Because we are basing the price rises on the exchange rate so the relevant increase will be the same on both graphics cards and say, an Xbox One. :confused:

I was only replying to the guy that said this will turn people to consoles but I don't think that will be the case because the console prices will likely rise in line (relevant to their original price) with gpu prices if due to a weakened pound.

You then waded in saying consoles are still way cheaper, which whilst true, is irrelevant to the point at hand.
20 May 2007
If it drops to around 1.20, that is when pound prices are actually higher than dollar prices. So a $500 product because $550 !!

Due to VAT, shipping and margins, then add on top any gouging due to supply and demand.

It aint looking good, wonder how those exit voters are feeling, thanks for ruining our economy in the short term. My god I do hope things improve otherwise time to pack my bags and move to Germany. :D

I guess as prices rise here that will affect business as well as less people will be able to justify the outlay on what is essentially a big non essential luxury item.

I mean this was £525 on release - https://www.overclockers.co.uk/kfa2...ess-graphics-card-80nsj6dhk5vk-gx-087-kf.html

1 Apr 2010
Because we are basing the price rises on the exchange rate so the relevant increase will be the same on both graphics cards and say, an Xbox One. :confused:

I was only replying to the guy that said this will turn people to consoles but I don't think that will be the case because the console prices will likely rise in line (relevant to their original price) with gpu prices if due to a weakened pound.

You then waded in saying consoles are still way cheaper, which whilst true, is irrelevant to the point at hand.

Lmfao @ wadded in, I am the person that mentioned consoles. I think I should know what was relevant in my own convo. :rolleyes:

I already know of a few people who have said they aren't upgrading due to the high prices and are waiting for the next wave of consoles ie Scorpio. They have basically had enough of these price hikes and the weak £ has only made this worst for them.
4 Jan 2009
Lol at people blaming brexiters for the high gpu pricing, lack of cards and people willing to pay it is why the cards are so expensive, plus no high end competition.
3 Oct 2009
My cousins PS4 broke last week and he messaged me about possibly getting into PC Gaming, what he should buy etc..

I actually recommended he didn't, the way GPU pricing is currently even £250 for a custom 480 is to much in my opinion. It should be £180 - £200 at most. Lets me honest, to put a semi decent gaming PC together with a monitor, you're talking £500-£600 for something that'll last you. Then games price on top.

You may aswell get a second hand console.
16 Jan 2006
I feel bad for my dad as it's time to upgrade if he wants to keep up with me and it's looking like the 1060 series is about £300 and even a k i5 is over £200.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
My cousins PS4 broke last week and he messaged me about possibly getting into PC Gaming, what he should buy etc..

I actually recommended he didn't, the way GPU pricing is currently even £250 for a custom 480 is to much in my opinion. It should be £180 - £200 at most. Lets me honest, to put a semi decent gaming PC together with a monitor, you're talking £500-£600 for something that'll last you. Then games price on top.

You may aswell get a second hand console.

Ditto, my mate been wanting to get into PC gaming for a while. I recently told him not to bother. A second hand PS4 will be just as much "fun" and dramatically cheaper. Sad times.
27 Oct 2013
Lol at people blaming brexiters for the high gpu pricing, lack of cards and people willing to pay it is why the cards are so expensive, plus no high end competition.

Look at the exchange rates you fool if you voted to leave you are a traitor to the PC building community now we have to fork out even more and we havent even left the EU yet just wait till we leave if we do...
20 May 2007
Lmfao @ wadded in, I am the person that mentioned consoles. I think I should know what was relevant in my own convo. :rolleyes:

I already know of a few people who have said they aren't upgrading due to the high prices and are waiting for the next wave of consoles ie Scorpio. They have basically had enough of these price hikes and the weak £ has only made this worst for them.

Oh sorry hadn't realised you were the same guy :p

Still, my point still stands. If the pound weakness only affected gpu prices then I would agree with you but seen as they will affect the price of something like the Scorpio as well I cant see how it will make much difference. The difference in price will likely stay the same, relatively.
28 Jul 2004
Lol at people blaming brexiters for the high gpu pricing, lack of cards and people willing to pay it is why the cards are so expensive, plus no high end competition.

I'll just say this: prices in euro zone have not gone up these past few weeks, not with GPUs or anything else. In fact 1080 prices have typically come down a bit or in some cases a lot since the launch. Stock isn't any better here but prices are still slowly going down. Now because £ is weakening compared to €, a lot of people have actually used that to their advantage and ordered cards from the UK. The slower any UK shop was with raising prices, the better the deal was for us using euros. UK hasn't been a great option for GPUs (or anything hardware related really) these past few years because of the strong £ but past few weeks it's been completely different story.

On that note, I have bought half a dozen board games from the UK in the past 2 weeks for the same reason: price. It won't last as UK prices have to go up unless £ gets stronger but for now, it is what it is. In short term the vote was great for non-UK customers, long term I fear it's bad for everyone.
23 Mar 2012
The GPU market, medically needs greater competition at all tiers, though I'd feel more nervous about AMD if they hadn't achieved what they did with their console APUs. People continue to be willing to pay a lot of money for performance hardware, so manufacturers will continue to do it, I would if I were a graphics card vendor and people were willing to pay as much as they are. The 480 didn't exactly turn out the dead cert 980 alternative that people were expecting it to be either, which is a shame, because it could have been the perfect "tide me over to 4k" card if it had. Hopefully, driver maturity can help in this direction a bit, but the PCIe power issue isn't going to make it as easy as it should've been. I'm still on a 7970, which I picked up here when AMD rebranded, but it's struggling now. :(

We're pretty much in the same boat give or take; I'm still on a 2GB GTX 770 and it's suffering too.

I think if NVIDIA had priced the GTX 1070/80 at a more reasonable price to begin with then the price increases we're seeing wouldn't be such a bitter pill to swallow. I need a completely new system though but looking at the CPU prices the i7 6700k is now an eye watering £320.00!
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