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GPU prices

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20 Jun 2004
Huddersfield, UK
I see the 980ti's have gone up in price, since gibbo said they not affected by the exchange rate I am curious why that is. ocuk seem to be fiddling with prices on a daily basis trying to maximise profits. Very volatile pricing.

Hmm, now that's annoying I was banking on the 980Ti's as my fallback if the 480/1060 turned out to not offer enough of an upgrade over my 290.

Stock 480 has failed me, was waiting to see how custom 480's and the 1060 OC'd before I made a decision.

The Zotac is still a good price for now however.
24 Apr 2006
Most competitors have increased their prices too, i have 3 1070 cards on pre order at just over £400 each and will take whatever turns up first, no way am i cancelling now the prices are approaching 50-100 pound more.
27 Dec 2014
1.29 - well done Brexit voters.

The currency going down may even be down to pure profiteering. The financial sector people are well trained in that regard and let's not forget who caused the previous crisis ...

Maybe it makes you feel better blaming Brexit for it but it doesn't change anything now so let's move on, shall we? It will go as down as it will go, end of story.
19 Oct 2004
1.29 - well done Brexit voters.

This. Everyone is gong to be considerably worse off in this country unless by some miracle it can be stopped.

I live in London and i can get on a bus and literally be the only person with english as their first language. if i we can deal with it the rest of the country can as well.

I hope all the leave voters choke on their pork pies and pints of spitfire.
27 Mar 2006
I'm rich. Don't care . No seriously enough with Brexit. Tough times but let's not attack the majority. I'm more concerned with the weather. Where the hell is the summer.
14 Jul 2005
This. Everyone is gong to be considerably worse off in this country unless by some miracle it can be stopped.

I live in London and i can get on a bus and literally be the only person with english as their first language. if i we can deal with it the rest of the country can as well.

I hope all the leave voters choke on their pork pies and pints of spitfire.

Its the country's own fault for not making more stuff here and relying too much on imports. If cpus and gpus were made here instead of in the usa or china or japan then there would be no issue and the falling pound would help exports to the rest of the world. If the pound stays low it should eventually cause exports to grow. Shame we only export bank accounts so the city boy above should stop moaning as his beloved london has created this mess in the first place.
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20 May 2007
Its the country's own fault for not making more stuff here and relying too much on imports. If cpus and gpus were made here instead of in the usa or china or japan then there would be nobissue and the falling pound would help exports to the rest of the world. If the pound stays low it should eventually cause exports to grow. Shame we only export bank accounts so the city noy above should stop moaning as his beloved london has created this mess in the first place.

What mess? We were the worlds fifth largest economy and in relative terms ( ie not the utopian ideal that some leave voters seem to be imagining is possible) we were doing very well for a country of our size and population.

Instead we just went and ballsed it all up in at least the short term and with no guarantee for anything better in the long run.
27 Aug 2008
The currency going down may even be down to pure profiteering. The financial sector people are well trained in that regard and let's not forget who caused the previous crisis ...

Maybe it makes you feel better blaming Brexit for it but it doesn't change anything now so let's move on, shall we? It will go as down as it will go, end of story.

We can blame the evil financial sector for some fall in the GBP, but they are piggybacking on an effect the british public initiated and will be pro-active in developing. As our buying power drops, consumer spending on imported goods couldn't possibly slow and this couldn't possibly have downstream consequences considering how service orientated a lot of economic activity is.

When we leave the EU and get rid of all the immigrants and EU legislative impositions, I wonder who will be next in line to blame for bad government and policy decisions. I get the feeling the UK political system is bizarrely low on the public's list.
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6 Jun 2005
Guess I'm holding off for a while before I invest in my next PC upgrade. Prices are just way to unstable at the moment.... But it does seem like a lot of places are putting up their prices "just because".
8 May 2014
This. Everyone is gong to be considerably worse off in this country unless by some miracle it can be stopped.

I live in London and i can get on a bus and literally be the only person with english as their first language. if i we can deal with it the rest of the country can as well.

I hope all the leave voters choke on their pork pies and pints of spitfire.

lol thats a harsh thing to wish for others :D
the funny part is brexit wont solve any of the issues it was voted for by ppl, economy wont be better, it will be far worst for the next decade, the export market will shrink, EU wont give access to it's market to UK for free, the country would have to make concessions to get access to it wich are by definition worst than when you were member, not adding the fact that EU and US have a lot of resentment and it will show.
wont change migration, because to stop that you need to adresse the root of the issue, and the root is the support EU/US countries provide to oppressive regimes hated by the ppl, that have been thrown in prison, exiled , killed for decades without being able to change the political landscape, that lead them to take up arms, and oh surprise terrorism, most migrants would love to go back to their countries if it actualy was their country, rather than a colony lead by an oppressive puppet, so as long as they need to plunder resources from these countries, they will keep supporting those regimes with weapons, political support, intelligence etc, and since only ppl devoided of any integrity and morals would betray their own country like that, you only have traitors, thugs, idiots, corrupted, thiefs that run that country, only resource extraction is allowed, most processing, industry is forbiden to them, limiting the job opportunities, while giving EU/US more jobs, and a market to export to, so for those countries not to explode into uprisings, they need a breathing hole, which is migration.
migration is the price you have to pay for having job opportunities, and big enough market to sustain research.
you want the end of migration, terror, etc, get out of these countries, and let them settle their issues, but then again would you accept having regimes that are not willing to sell out their country's resources and export jobs to you instead ? guess not
14 Jul 2005
What mess? We were the worlds fifth largest economy and in relative terms ( ie not the utopian ideal that some leave voters seem to be imagining is possible) we were doing very well for a country of our size and population.

Instead we just went and ballsed it all up in at least the short term and with no guarantee for anything better in the long run.

The mess that the whole economy is now entirely dependant on the performance of the world shares indexes instead of on actual goods and products. We may be the 5th largest economy but it is highly imbalanced towards london and the south east and the financial services sector. A falling pound is good for exports!

I am sick to the back teeth of the tinest little event causing mass panic in the markets and it shows how utterly silly the whole system is. We have a huge population and a huge demand for housing that isnt going to change -yet housebuilder shares fall 20% on speculation and everyone is scared ****less. Ridiculous.
20 May 2007
Guess I'm holding off for a while before I invest in my next PC upgrade. Prices are just way to unstable at the moment.... But it does seem like a lot of places are putting up their prices "just because".

It isn't "just because"! It is because our UK shops buy almost all of the models available at dollar prices!

The pound has dropped 10%+ against the dollar and more like nearly 20+ compared to what it would have been if we had voted to remain in the EU.
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