*** Grand Theft Auto IV - The Official Thread ***

My GTA disc has not seen daylight since the 5 seconds it spent in my hand being taken in the direction of my PS3's disc slot. Chances are it shall stay there for quite some time too. :D

San Andreas was in my PS2 for the last 6 months of it's life. :p
Uho looks like ive got the dreaded lock up problem :( stuck on holland play loading and loading and loading :mad: 60gb ps3 btw.
It loaded 5 minutes ago then locked up when i went to meet the ? guy had to hard reset it now just wont load, disk is clean pristine in fact been loving it till now all fun.....:o

It seems you have to be logged out of PSN / disconnected from the internet to be able to get past the loading screen.

Its worked for me and a few others i believe.
My GTA disc is broken thanks to my xbox. I can't believe Microsoft are allowed to sell hardware which scratches discs so easily :rolleyes:

edit: fixed :D but it's on it's last legs
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Just tried the logging out trick and the 'corrupt' save now loads and doesn't crash, yay! Definitely try this is you have saves that won't load.

I've defintely seen our PS3 version go under 10 fps for a sustained period while being chased by lots of cop cars (more than 2 stars) and helicopters at night. If you're on foot and it's day, framerates are more like 40 fps so there's nothing wrong with our 40GB PS3 (plus it still runs every other game liquid smooth and it's only 4 months old). Still toying with the idea of picking up the 360 version for comparison.
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Just had the same issue with not being able to load the game, was hanging on the "Loading - <mission name>" screen. Disabled the networking for the PS3 and it worked fine. Hopefully word will get back to Rockstar and they'll patch it soon.

Makes it a problem if you wanna play multiplayer though, cause you need to load single player first, and if you have to disable your networking to do that, you're screwed!
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Just had the same issue with not being able to load the game, was hanging on the "Loading - <mission name>" screen. Disabled the networking for the PS3 and it worked fine. Hopefully word will get back to Rockstar and they'll patch it soon.

Makes it a problem if you wanna play multiplayer though, cause you need to load single player first, and if you have to disable your networking to do that, you're screwed!

Same fix works here too, only started freezing last night though. Could be some kind of network problem on Sonys side? When did everybody else's loading screen freezes start happening?
Everything working fine here (touch wood!) just got my copy today! Overall very impressed with it so far, haven't noticed any FPS problems that some people speak of. However, in order to appreciate the GFX more I had to turn on the 'game mode' option that my Samsung LCD TV has.
I've just arrived on the 2nd island and have done a couple of missions for Playboy X :D All looks good :D Where can I go to find the helicopter?
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