Any idea if any settings in the setup can cause this?
Also is it true the xbox360 version runs at higher res than PS3? apparently the PS3 version is 640P upscaled.
That has still not been confirmed and even if the game is running at 640p it's not the reason why it's blurry, the game is rendered completely differently on each system, the filter was chosen to be used in the playstation version to help with the lack of AA.
This is a quote from the recent
'Grand Theft Auto IV: PS3 vs. Xbox 360 Special' from Eurogamer,
" (360) There's support for proper hardware-assisted anti-aliasing, eliminating a great deal of the jagginess of the PlayStation 3 version, plus it's running at full-fat 720p. However, Rockstar has introduced a 360-specific post-processing effect that dithers just about every texture on-screen. It's an effect not present at all on the PS3 version and serves to introduce an oil-painting-like effect to the overall look of the game, particularly on background objects. Unfortunately, it also seems to actively distort the edges of detail in the textures and occasionally looks really ugly.
As it is then, both versions of the game have their strengths and weakness. Ask anyone which look they prefer when presented with comparison shots and you'll find that opinion is divided pretty much straight down the middle"
"As it is then, it comes down to personal preference"
I always find euro gamers comparisons to be quite fair and objective, I pretty much agree with everything in their article, end of the day it comes down to personal preference as they say, if your not a fan of the blurry (filtered) look of the PS3 version then I'd definitely advise getting the 360 version as it does look allot sharper, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the better version though as some people find the 'dithering effect' on the 360 to be quite annoying also, it seems the opinion is split down the middle on which version looks most aesthetically pleasing as a whole,
one thing that isn't subjective though is the frame rate, it is definitely consistently smoother on the 360 version, I'd say on average your getting about 5 frames extra, that may not seem allot but when a game is running at such low frame rates that can be the difference between and playable and unplayable for some, (no doubt you already know this though being a avid PC user).
Hmmm I'll have to try it later, very odd this, does it look crap with game mode off?
Personally I've played about with this game on an LG and Sammy LCD and my own cheap unbranded set and thought the game looked better with the game modes off and any extra modes disabled, get the image looking right using your standard brightness/contrast/colour options then in-game turn up the brightness a couple of notches and the contrast also, also on your TV turn up the sharpness to about 50%, remember though what ever you do the PS3 version will always look a little blurry, you won't be able to eliminate that and if it's bugging you then like I said before get the 360 version,
I've seen both running and I'm really not that impressed with either graphically but as many people have already said in this thread (myself included) the GTA series has never really been about graphics, and going on their past (3D) GTA games they all ran pretty poorly in the frame-rate-wise, in-fact I feel GTA IV even with it's graphical flaws and performance issues is actually one of the best versions, if you really want to enjoy the game just forget about the graphics and performance and enjoy the game, thats what I've done and I'm enjoying it allot now, I've just told myself theres nothing I can really do to change the appearance of this game dramatically, it's never going to look how I really want it to look so I can either accept it as it is and enjoy and amazing game with a fantastic story or choose not to play it.