*** Grand Theft Auto IV - The Official Thread ***

Well that was different.
The game was a little anti-climatic for me tbh.
And that last bit with the jump, very annoying considering how im rubbish with bikes. :p.
I'm playing on the PS3 version, and wondering why the hell I can't use the d-pad for steering and movement. The analogue sticks suck royally IMO. I didn't mind too much on story mode, but online where it matters, the fact I suck at using analogue is annoying me.

I used to be damn good on San Andreas using the D-pad for racing on MTA on the PC, but I suck using the analogue stick and can't race on multiplayer to save my life.

Is there any way to enable the D-pad for steering?
Can anyone confirm this for me.
When I was going through the game first time around, I swear I saw something that said in order to get 100% you had to do so many taxi missions for Roman. Was I imagining this or do you have to do so many taxi missions for Roman?
Apologies in advance if this has been covered many times but with the thread over 200 pages I don't fancy spending hours searching for the answer. :o

What I am trying to find out is if there is a way of moving around the islands quickly? I am nearly always late for picking people up as I am over the other side of the map or cars like to pull out in front of me when I am going flat out (inconsiderate, or what? :p)

I tried calling a cab from Roman but he kicked me out for some reason and wouldn't take me anywhere, I was thinking maybe you could drive to the location of where you would normally meet before choosing yes or no on the phone? Would this work?

Surely there must be an easy way of getting somewhere quick?
No, you can hail any cab you see passing without a passenger in. Can't remember what button it is, think it's L1 on PS3 so probably LB on 360. Then you have to HOLD triangle to get in as a passenger.

Sweet, thanks! I am playing on the PS3 version and was wondering why it was being a nightmare getting into the cabs that Roman sends out, I obviously wasn't holding the triangle button lol.

Fair enough. If Rockstar haven't told him why would he know? Ultimately it is up to Rockstar when they have it finished. I guess if we are waiting much longer MS might force them to release what they have, which would suck for as, as I doubt we would pay less because they have omitted some of the content. I hope MS give R* the time they need to finish it.

I won't be selling my game so I'll wait for it to come whenever :)
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