***Grand Theft Auto VI***

I'm confident in saying that Rockstar have totally knocked this out of the park already, it looks incredible, I can't think of another game I've seen in this generation which looks anywhere near as good
This comment depresses me, probably more than it should.

People loved V but I hated it. A very pretty and expansive game, but in every other way vastly inferior to GTA IV.

I grew up with GTA1 and GTA2 (2D) and played most of the 3D games (think I missed a couple). The driving always felt good... until V. The driving in V was so bad, that even tho I'd just paid full price for the game, I knew I could never enjoy it. The whole physics engine was a massive (massive) step backwards.

For me, GTA is a driving game + mayhem. If the driving sucks, nothing can redeem it. I hope they return to IV and improve on the physics, not dumb it down so a 5-year-old can corner at 100mph by holding left.
Sadly find them unplayable. I want to use a controller for everything except anything that requires aiming/gunfire. The combo of switching between controller and m&k is a nope. Found the same with rdr2. All great on controller until it's potato aim. Switch to m&k and it's awful on horse. Gta is worse as it's vehicles.
This comment depresses me, probably more than it should.

People loved V but I hated it. A very pretty and expansive game, but in every other way vastly inferior to GTA IV.

I grew up with GTA1 and GTA2 (2D) and played most of the 3D games (think I missed a couple). The driving always felt good... until V. The driving in V was so bad, that even tho I'd just paid full price for the game, I knew I could never enjoy it. The whole physics engine was a massive (massive) step backwards.

For me, GTA is a driving game + mayhem. If the driving sucks, nothing can redeem it. I hope they return to IV and improve on the physics, not dumb it down so a 5-year-old can corner at 100mph by holding left.
I grew up with GTA 1 (and then GTA London, remember that??) too and still think the most GTA fun I had was in GTA3 and GTA4, but the technological shift with GTA5 solidified the series for me as an all round great game with awesome driving, exploration in a wide variation of locations from mountains to the sea and the number of things to see and do in between etc with 3 different core characters each with their own interconnected plots.
In a way I preferred the older games because they were smaller. I found it almost overwhelming how big the others were, always wondering what Easter eggs etc I was missing by driving past stuff, feeding in to fomo.
V, whilst looking good was the one I played the least, I mean it looked great but I guess I didnt find a realistic city that exciting.
Unlike say CP2077 which is different enough from the real world to be interesting aesthetically at least.
I know it was only a 90 second trailer but the main characters came across quite generic.

I never did like V over IV, sure the graphics were better but it just felt a bit cold to me compare to IV. Main characters were not a match for Niko and Roman. Plus the driving and damage in V sucked imo compared to IV.
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I adored vice city and then 4. 5 was a bit meh and this trailer was not bad I just think I expected more wow.
Never really got on with 1, 2 and London.
GTA 3 was good, Vice City was amazing and San Andreas was kind of between the 2 of them.

GTA 4 was ok, but I found GTA 5 excellent. I've completed it numerous times on console and PC along with sinking hundreds of hours into FiveM
It's not the main story that makes 5 so good, it's the small random side quests, some of them are hilarious like taking hitch-hikers up to the Altruist camp. For me it will be very hard for 6 to beat 5 but I really hope it does :D
I grew up with GTA 1 (and then GTA London, remember that??) too and still think the most GTA fun I had was in GTA3 and GTA4, but the technological shift with GTA5 solidified the series for me as an all round great game with awesome driving, exploration in a wide variation of locations from mountains to the sea and the number of things to see and do in between etc with 3 different core characters each with their own interconnected plots.
It wasn't just the handling, it was also the vehicle physics.
From GTA1 to SA, if you got into a truck you could ram cars off the road until you exploded (tres fun!).
The first time I got into a school bus in 5, I immediately rammed a sports car in front of me and... stopped dead. Honestly, my face just dropped. You're telling me I can't ram a car off the road in a school bus? Nope, I just stopped dead.
Not long after I put the game down because the physics and the driving were just unsatisfying. Even stupid stuff like causing a pile up just didn't work like it used to. Everything was just less fun.

BUT I do know that many people had fun with 5, so it's very much personal preference. BUTTTT I do think 5 was a departure from the previous games trajectory, to a much more forgiving driving experience (hard to crash, hard to wreck your vehicle, hard to just fail. I raged many times in previous GTAs from failing races/chases a lot, but it was just too damn fun not to want to come back and master it. Succeeding first time every time is a bit naff.)
It's funny seeing people on social media rambling about "how the gfx don't look that good compared to alan wake 2 or rdr 2". Do any of those games have even remotely the same level of things going on in terms of npc's, vehicles, buildings etc? Sure they could have made it visually look more real but at the expense of the cityscapes and character amount that gta games are known for. It would be a much smaller sandbox overall as well if they focused more on visuals than having something that felt like an actual city.
Burn the witch! :p Did you play them years after they were current? Back then there was nothing like it (that I'm aware of). It's was truly ground breaking, and fun as all hell.

But if you were several years late to the party, yeah, tech had moved on.
I remember playing the first gta with my 3DFX Voodoo 2. The game ran so fast you could barely control the cars :D
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The driving always felt good... until V. The driving in V was so bad, that even tho I'd just paid full price for the game, I knew I could never enjoy it. The whole physics engine was a massive (massive) step backwards.

I don't know if they ever fixed it but in V mouse input had different X and Y axis sensitivity with no way to change it so if you physically made a circle shape with the mouse your view did an oval movement in game - made it completely unplayable for me.
Lol this is going to be a more "details and realism" game than RDR2 :p

Very nice, gives me time to replay GTAV for the 10th time and maybe even 100% it and RDR2.

World looked stunning, amazing setting. I’m sure I noticed a blue Porsche in the trailer, which would be very cool if they had licensed vehicles.
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