***Grand Theft Auto VI***

Just looked back at the GTA V timeline...

First trailer - Sept 2011
PS3/X360 - Nov 2013 Release
PS4/XOne - Nov 2014 Release
PC - Apr 2015 Release

I'd guess they'll go for late 2025 initial release for the Christmas run in on PS5/XSX, probably a relaunch on PS6/XWhatever when they appear (2026 seems maybe a bit soon) and a PC version to eventually appear late 2026 or early 2027.

If the PC version is 4 years away then it's quite likely the PC version will come out at the same time as the remaster for next gen consoles as we expected new next gen consoles in 2027
I find it really odd that in this day and age, they are not just developed simultaneously. The console architecture now is so similar, and I imagine it is especially easy (relatively speaking) to cross platform between Series X and PC. Most other big games are released on PC at the same time these days.

If they don't cross platform on release, the cynic in me will suspect that they are planning on double dip sales/have some sort of deal with Sony/Microsoft so as to push console sales massively just for this game.
Of course is milking. It always has been.
They are just idiots. It quite obviously has the most impressive open world game graphics we've had yet.

Yeah but were they even real time? The animations of the characters are dead give away that they aren’t ‘in game’. Characters don’t animate like that in real time.

I’m sure it’s going to look awesome I just somewhat questioning how indicative that trailer really is.
Yeah but were they even real time? The animations of the characters are dead give away that they aren’t ‘in game’. Characters don’t animate like that in real time.

I’m sure it’s going to look awesome I just somewhat questioning how indicative that trailer really is.

I don't know. RDR2's animation was pretty impressive and that was released 5 years ago and that ran on a console from 2013.

Rockstar are wizards. We should have higher expectations than rubbish like Starfield.
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Looks incredible but a bit gutted at 2025… we could still be a full two years away, and that’s assuming no delays like someone already said.

I’ve got a PS5 that I barely use but think I’ll be holding on to it as expect we won’t see this on PC for even longer. Whilst it would be a shame, I’m not going to cut my nose to spite my face, if it comes out on console first then it’ll have to do…

The number of sales of this game is going to make is going to be absolutely wild…
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More than likely, PC version probably 3 years away :(

If your lucky!

My guess is there will be a delay on the console versions pushing it back until mid 2026 and then they won't release the PC version until the end of 2027.

Nice of them to release a trailer but I won't be giving it another thought until it is about to release.
This is most likely not 2 years away but just over a year away. They are expecting a massive profit boost in the next financial year which ends march 2025...
More than likely, PC version probably 3 years away :(
I guess they did that in the past to try and sell more copies. If you have a console you will buy on release and then when the shinier “upgrade” comes out for the PC you buy that as well.
This is going to be a long old wait. With the architectures being so close now I really do hope they don't delay the PC version too long
This is going to be a long old wait. With the architectures being so close now I really do hope they don't delay the PC version too long

If they don't release them simultaneously, it could well be a ~3 year wait for the PC version (or more)!

As others have said, I'll barely give this any more thought. It looks great from the trailer, but i expected as much.
Daily Mail comments section on the leak "video games should be banned", "This game will make crime increase", "Should have i.d credit card checks" etc etc
Not only that, but the incel/neckbeard lot have taken to twitter etc to boycott the game now because it has a female main character :cry:

These people need their brain cells wiggled.
Also, just seen this, R* are parody masters :D

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