Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [10 - 11th November 2012]

9 Jun 2004
Why do you constantly try to hide your love for Suarez dm?

He didn't dive - Ivanovic stuck a leg out and tripped him. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding the kick out and why he should have been sent off though.
18 Oct 2002
Very disappointed with Sahin after a blinding first few games. Not sure if it's because he's playing in the advanced role which doesn't appear to suit him or if he's just lazy but I wouldn't be rushing to the owners for the money to sign him unless he improves dramatically.

Edit: Picture of Terry's leg straight after the impact doesn't look healthy.

Agree on both, Sahin really hasn't stepped up and made a big difference at all, though he seemed to be being played deeper than Allen and Gerrard, when maybe he's more of a behind the striker/Sneijder type, not really sure where his best position is supposed to be.

Terry's leg looked not good at all, wouldn't be remotely surprised if that did a ligament in his knee. Also, for once, Suarez blameless, just slipped at absolutely the wrong time.

Chelsea don't have a lot of defensive cover with Terry out, and is it just me or does their new right back look ridiculously awful? I've pretty much never heard of him before he moved to Chelsea, was he rated as good before, adjusting badly, expected to come good, or just a cheap crap right back?
18 Oct 2002
Why do you constantly try to hide your love for Suarez dm?

He didn't dive - Ivanovic stuck a leg out and tripped him. I have no idea what you're talking about regarding the kick out and why he should have been sent off though.

When a player has two feet on the ground, is tapped marginally and still has two feet on the ground, then jumps in the air falls to the ground, makes it look stupid and starts asking for the foul before he's hit the ground.... its a dive.

Sending off(more a potential one) would be for a yellow for the dive, and for a little kick out which was just Suarez as he is, no where near as bad as the two he did against Everton, he just quite clearly decided he couldn't get the ball but he could give Ivanovic a little kick, and did.
9 Jun 2004
Do you watch football while standing on your head dm? You said you agree with Pigeon but where Pigeon has commented on him playing too advanced being the problem, you seem to think he's being played too deep.

edit: and I disagree on the dive and I can't remember any kick out. Deep down you love Suarez though.
9 Jan 2011
Sending off(more a potential one) would be for a yellow for the dive, and for a little kick out which was just Suarez as he is, no where near as bad as the two he did against Everton, he just quite clearly decided he couldn't get the ball but he could give Ivanovic a little kick, and did.

If Suarez got a yellow card for that supposed kick, it would be a new low and it really would be best to just stop football all together and just play all games on Fifa13!
24 May 2009
North East
Not sure why people are banging on about Suso, he came on and consistently gifted the ball to Chelsea for the first 10-15 mins and didn't do an awful lot after that. Change in system had LIverpool playing better, nothing to do with Suso, but it was mostly Chelsea's ineptitude that got them a point. Chelsea walked into the final third with ease(as did Liverpool) with neither midfield doing much of anything except picking up really bad passes when they happened, which was a lot. Chelsea in the final third though, couldn't pick out people in the box at all, it was always cut back too much, too little, an little flick that was under or over hit.

Oscar again just got most of the important final flicks wrong, he did work fairly hard but ultimately when it came to the killer pass or shot, he was very poor.

Suarez, well another dive, another kick out, another potential red card he manages to not get. He also managed to, when offside basically every single time, turn and applaude the linesman as if it was his fault. The two major things that stick out was the clear as day kick at Ivanovic in Chelsea's left corner about 2 ft from the linesman, Suarez gave up on the ball, and so clearly gave him a little kick, nothing major just wanted to tap him. Ended up a corner when it was clearly a freekick and for me, should have been a yellow.

He then tried to get Ivanovic booked(for like the 8th time) by clearly diving in which the ref didn't give the freekick, so didn't think it was a foul, and didn't book Suarez despite him complaining about it being a foul. Same old Suarez then, same old Quinn to, absolutely no idea what was going on, talking crap throughout the game and being painful to listen to.

Lastly, Redknapp at half time actually making sense :o (maybe it was full time), basically saying he laughs about this new "philosophy" that Rodgers has bought in, both as if LIverpool haven't been a passing side for decades, and as if Rodgers is the only manager in the UK using this crazy new spanish system. After Redknapp laughed at Hoddle's harping on about a great system , Hoddle tried to back track and say, its more of a new shape with an old system, with fullbacks getting further forward like the Spanish do.... sure, because Risse, Arbeloa, and every other full back in the league don't get as far forward as Enrique or Johnson/wisdom/whoever.

The fawning over this make belief new system/formation/shape/philosophy Rodger's brings has been laughable and painful since he was made their manager.

Disagree about what you say about Rodgers. All managers pay lip service to playing an attractive, passing style but Rodgers is one of the few who sticks to what he says.

A few decent signings and Pool could kick on in this system. Liverpool before this haven't been a passing team (in recent history) Rodgers has brought this in.

Also, and I never thought I would say never mind think this, feel kind of sorry for Suarez when no one celebrated with him, for a moment when he realises he looks so sad. Harsh *******! :p:(:p

Re Newcastle, horrid performance today. I'm kind of hoping we lose a few on the bounce as we really need new signings and the old system to be playing well again. At the moment we gave lucked through and done all right which seems in Pards/Cashley minds to be good. We could have really kicked on this year with some signings and it's sad watching us slip back down to mid table mediocrity which is where we are heading based in this seasons performances.
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19 Oct 2002
Thank god Rodgers has more bottle to change the system than Kenny, we would have won perhaps if we had started that way. Lucky not to be losing 3/4-0 at half time even with webb gifting a goal.

This "inflexible" bs has spread it seems. Dalglish won twice at Chelsea...
16 Sep 2011
Northern Ireland
Disagree about what you say about Rodgers. All managers pay lip service to playing an attractive, passing style but Rodgers is one of the few who sticks to what he says.

A few decent signings and Pool could kick on in this system. Liverpool before this haven't been a passing team (in recent history) Rodgers has brought this in.

Re Newcastle, horrid performance today. I'm kind of hoping we lose a few on the bounce as we really need new signings and the old system to be playing well again. At the moment we gave lucked through and done all right which seems in Pards/Cashley minds to be good. We could have really kicked on this year with some signings and it's sad watching us slip back down to mid table mediocrity which is where we are heading based in this seasons performances.

I am glad I am not the only one who thinks this (even if it means I have to agree with a Newcastle fan! :D )

Rodgers is 4months (4months!) in a new club, with players who are trying to adjust to a new system. Not to mention the squad is thread bare, it will take time and I still don't understand why some people can't see this?
9 Jun 2004
Liverpool before this haven't been a passing team (in recent history) Rodgers has brought this in.

Not to the extreme as we are now but Hodgson era aside, we have for my entire lifetime.

edit: Houllier was 50/50 I suppose - we weren't afraid of being a bit more direct with Heskey and Owen on the break.
24 May 2009
North East
Not to the extreme as we are now but Hodgson era aside, we have for my entire lifetime.

Dalglish was hoof ball and relying on wingers and Benitez was more counter attacking direct.

Just my opinion of course, neither we're hoof ball merchants but they wernt really classical pass and move types. I havent gone any further back though, that's as far as I would class recent and tbh I can barely remember yesterday never mind pre-Benitez Liverpool football styles :p
16 Sep 2011
Northern Ireland
Dalglish was hoof ball and relying on wingers and Benitez was more counter attacking direct.

Just my opinion of course, neither we're hoof ball merchants but they wernt really classical pass and move types. I havent gone any further back though, that's as far as I would class recent and tbh I can barely remember yesterday never mind pre-Benitez Liverpool football styles :p

Benitez was probably the closest. While he predominately set us up for counter attacking football, there was some games where we just dominated and played some rather marvellous football. Benitez has probably been our most flexible manager in the last decade or so, but it is also no coincidence he has also had the longest to assemble a squad for his plans. Give Rodgers the time and investment, and I have no reason to see why he can't be succesful.
19 Oct 2002
Dalglish was hoof ball and relying on wingers

This is nonsense. There was a Comolli inspired winger focus last year, but even then Liverpool were a sharp passing team. The half season of Dalglish alone was some of the best passing in the last ten years.

Benitez was a bit more "right ball" counter attacking, but could be a devastating passing group at times too.
9 Jun 2004
Dalglish was hoof ball and relying on wingers and Benitez was more counter attacking direct.

Just my opinion of course, neither we're hoof ball merchants but they wernt really classical pass and move types. I havent gone any further back though, that's as far as I would class recent and tbh I can barely remember yesterday never mind pre-Benitez Liverpool football styles :p

Disagree very much on Dalglish. The football we played in his first 6 months back was very similar to what we're playing now. When Carroll was in the side we looked to play with more width and got balls into the box but we didn't lump the ball forward to get into those positions.

Benitez's football was direct in the sense that we looked to get the ball into the likes of Gerrard, Benayoun & Kuyt very quickly but again, it was never lumped forward, the passes were being thread through by Alonso, Masch etc.

Rodgers is a new extreme though, even Arsenal don't play to the extremes he does/wants to. Where under Dalglish we'd get in and around the 18 yard box and be looking to cross it or under Benitez we'd have Gerrard trying to get Torres in behind, under Rodgers is much more patient and waiting for the right opportunity to make an attack.
16 Sep 2011
Northern Ireland
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