Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [10 - 11th November 2012]

19 Oct 2002
Re Suarez, I'd heard that him and Miereles were both on the list Rafa had drawn up prior to his sacking, kept his transfer targets but sacked the man..shambles of a club. I don't think Kenny would have changed it around, for whatever reason he continualy persisted with the wrong formation & 'his' players playing out of position. In his 1st 6 months with Suarez up front we had Maxi & Meireles able to support him (both very clever players), for some strange reason come the next season he persisted with suarez up top alone and no support midfielders, hell the midfield were a lot of the time sat on the halfway line 30/40 yards behind Suarez.

Fast forward to this season, and in a lot of games its the same story, Suarez up top alone with this 'support' 30/40 yards behind him. Its baffling.

For the game today Chelsea were there for the taking, wasn't impressed by them at all. I don't think we need a striker persay, more along the lines of support midfield like Mata or Hazard (annoymous today), able to get into the box late. Shelvey is (imo) the only midfielder we have like that, maybe Suso too. Gerrard looked knackered, offered nothing 2nd half..time to bench him?

Side note, what did people make of BR's comments on our formation in previous games...4-2-3-1 when its been universally commented on that we have played 4-3-3..

Thought that his "4-3-3" was always really 4-2-3-1...

Suarez lack of support last year was partly a Gerrard decline issue. This year when Gerrard might get away with it due to the cover of Sterling, he wants to be a playmaker, and so Sahin is playing in the wrong position.

It is difficult to know how the declining Gerrard fits with this formation. If he wants to become a Scholes then he needs to play with ball winner along side, and penetration ahead of him. Liverpool don't have that yet.
5 Jul 2003
Spurs should put a speculative bid in for Marin come January. I havent seen him all season and he would be some much needed flair for spurs.
30 Sep 2009
chelsea fans really are the DON'T USE THAT TERM. gerrard clearly injured and can't get up, chelsea fans boo when ball finally gets kicked out.
19 Oct 2002
I'm sure Dalglish did scout Suarez (it was actually when Benitez was in charge) but he wasn't the driver behind his or Carroll's signings. No club is going to allow a caretaker to make the decisions on £20-£30m signings. I'm also sure Dalglish didn't negotiate the deals for the players we signed and therefor it would be unfair to use their price tag against him but regardless of their price they weren't good enough/didn't perform. Personally I'd have given Dalglish another year to try to get it right but given the failings of last season, it's difficult to argue with not giving him that year either.

Pretty much agree. The dinosaur strategy narrative irks given how we actually played and how Clarke has now seemingly made a stylish impact following Hodgson at WBA.
9 Jun 2004
Thought that his "4-3-3" was always really 4-2-3-1...

Suarez lack of support last year was partly a Gerrard decline issue. This year when Gerrard might get away with it due to the cover of Sterling, he wants to be a playmaker, and so Sahin is playing in the wrong position.

It is difficult to know how the declining Gerrard fits with this formation. If he wants to become a Scholes then he needs to play with ball winner along side, and penetration ahead of him. Liverpool don't have that yet.

Re the formation, I think it depends on how we're playing. Sometimes it's 4-2-3-1 when we need the 2nd man sitting but when we're on top or chasing games, it's 1 sitting and 2 ahead. You could see, midway through the first half, Rodgers signalling to the midfield to switch from 2-1 to 1-2.

As for Gerrard: In one of the episodes of being Liverpool, Rodgers was talking to Shelvey and said he saw Gerrard playing in the front 3 long term, with Lucas, Allen and him in midfield. It'll be interesting to see if that'll happen when Lucas is fit again.
5 Jul 2003
yeh huddlestone was lucky.

gutted we conceded late again, it's a serious issue.

would love dzeko on loan.

There seems to be two factors converging causing this. We play full strength in the Europa and with all the injuries we have we have no depths or real flair in the team. The goals today were coming and it was when not if.

We need some quality come January with creativity amust.h
21 Nov 2005
slight push? i'd love to know what you think a shove looks like?
Hello Ramires.
30 Sep 2009
There seems to be two factors converging causing this. We play full strength in the Europa and with all the injuries we have we have no depths or real flair in the team. The goals today were coming and it was when not if.

We need some quality come January with creativity amust.h

yeh we were nackered after 70 mins and our (current) bench is poor. dembele still to come back along with BAE and kaboul and i've no idea what's going on with parker.

definitely need a playmaker so we can use dempsey as an impact sub and use sig as depth.

willian and moutinho along with another striker would be nice.
19 Oct 2002
As for Gerrard: In one of the episodes of being Liverpool, Rodgers was talking to Shelvey and said he saw Gerrard playing in the front 3 long term, with Lucas, Allen and him in midfield. It'll be interesting to see if that'll happen when Lucas is fit again.

Think he would be better off buying for those upfront 3. Even move Suarez left and bring in a new central player.

As much as Gerrard is a great finisher, I don't know if his legs will last long with that running up front. He may get more years as a playmaker, if he can resist passing to the oppo and do it well.
21 Nov 2005
Big Sam proving yet again that he can turn any average side in to a comfortable mid table team in the Premiership. Might not be a fashionable manager but he does a bloody good job.

Edit: Didn't realise Fellani scored again. Would be an ideal player for United imo.
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