Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [27 - 28th October 2012]

Not sure about the Torres one, would need to see a few replays I think, but the Ivanovic sending off sums up everything I hate about football nowadays. Regardless off 'last man' rules and so on, there is no way you should be sending a player off for that!

Anywhere else on the pitch I'd agree; but in front of goal, a red is deservied.
So there's nothing wrong with my posts but I'm apparently bitter.


Er, the posts come across as bitter.

That doesn't mean that if I think someone is being bitter, that I have to be upset by what they say.

I'm not quite sure how that's so difficult to understand, but I'll leave you to ponder that one over whilst I enjoy the win :).
The more I watch American sports like the NFL & NBA, the more I appreciate the officiating in those sports. They do get it wrong sometimes, but major decisions are almost always looked at.

Ref totally ruined that game.
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