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GTAV performance thread.

I wonder whether they'll fix that awful bug when there's a sort of square surrounding and moving with your character, messing up shadows and stuff. It's hardly noticeable for the most part but when you do see it, it's really annoying.

Every game has that really, they have to (for reasons of performance they can only render the fine detail so far away, and it's easiest to do that in the shape of a square). Depending on what the game is doing though and what your level of detail settings are it may or may not be as visible.

Stop looking for it, it'll be less annoying :)
Soft shadow AMD vs Nvidia

What you guys think looks the best here? I know what I like most :D


I also been thinking they give the same result least where I checked.



It is clear AMD CHS and NVIDIA PCSS are not "free" soft shadow options, these cost performance, and NVIDIA PCSS more than AMD CHS.
I use the softest option, best setting in my opinion and uses more VRAM than the nVidia and AMD options.

The nvidia shadows are too heavy handed with the percentage closer algorithm by the looks of it. If it more closely represented real life it would provide the best shadows but the softness is too extreme even at shorter distances as seen on the performance guide I linked above.

As it stands mine is now at softest as well.
The usual case with Nvidia tech, always find its heavy handed on resources or could at least be better. I still find Rockstars softest option to be best and less performance hit than AMD CHS but nvidia PCSS looks horrid and takes the biggest performance hit... WHAT the...
Haven't actually tried to change the shadows from AMD to softest. Might give that a go in my quest for the perfect 60fps. That said though, the shadows look stunning now and I don't know if that's down to AMD.

I'm running 3x 290's with a 2600k @ 4.6 and can't get a fully smooth experience. And thats only at 1080p. Not sure what the issue is but I'm starting to think its HDD related. Runs buttery smooth 85% of the time, but at junctions where traffic is standing, and I crash into it quite often, there is a drop to the 40s. Seems similar no matter what graphic options I pick.

All that aside though, what a game. Can't believe some of the views and the fact you can drive to any point in that view. Impressive stuff. Especially from in a blimp flying high. It's vast.
Haven't actually tried to change the shadows from AMD to softest. Might give that a go in my quest for the perfect 60fps. That said though, the shadows look stunning now and I don't know if that's down to AMD.

I'm running 3x 290's with a 2600k @ 4.6 and can't get a fully smooth experience. And thats only at 1080p. Not sure what the issue is but I'm starting to think its HDD related. Runs buttery smooth 85% of the time, but at junctions where traffic is standing, and I crash into it quite often, there is a drop to the 40s. Seems similar no matter what graphic options I pick.

All that aside though, what a game. Can't believe some of the views and the fact you can drive to any point in that view. Impressive stuff. Especially from in a blimp flying high. It's vast.

I'm running a i5 4750k at 4.4Ghz and a 290x at 1150 core and 1500 mem and i keep 60FPS 90% of the time. Infact i've locked the FPS to 60 and turned Vsync off as i have a 120hz monitor that seemed to help with the smoothness, less FPS variation then!

My settings are all very high except grass, water quality and particles which are on high. Shadows are on softest and MSAA is on 2x

also playing on 1080p on the latest AMD beta drivers. So with 3 290 cards i would expect you to be at at least 60FPS @1080p mate.
Anyone know which settings make the least difference visually, but hog the most resources?

I just banged everything on highest settings possible, cept MSAA ofc which i run through sweetfx and its been running nice and smooth at vsync, but im just running story mode atm. When i try online mode eventually i dont wanna keep sweetfx on, cause of risk of getting banned. So im gonna need some in game AA which atm nearly halfs the FPS.

Also i might have to run my pcs low energy profile as im getting cooked in my house with all this sun were getting and the pc so overclocked.

Anyone had a play around yet to find the best settings to drop without much visual difference?
I'm running a i5 4750k at 4.4Ghz and a 290x at 1150 core and 1500 mem and i keep 60FPS 90% of the time. Infact i've locked the FPS to 60 and turned Vsync off as i have a 120hz monitor that seemed to help with the smoothness, less FPS variation then!

My settings are all very high except grass, water quality and particles which are on high. Shadows are on softest and MSAA is on 2x

also playing on 1080p on the latest AMD beta drivers. So with 3 290 cards i would expect you to be at at least 60FPS @1080p mate.

Yeah it's a odd one.

Is that with 8gb system RAM?

Have you tried the AMD shadows to compare to soft shadows?
^Definatly drop the grass from Ultra>very high,its not very noticeable visually but the perf increace is pretty substantial.

On crossfire 7950's you should be able to change ultra grass to very high and put on MSAA and probily not notice any performance difference
Yeah it's a odd one.

Is that with 8gb system RAM?

Have you tried the AMD shadows to compare to soft shadows?

Yea 8gb of system ram too, yea i've tried the AMD CHS shadows and straight away the performance seemed the same but after a few mins of playing i noticed about 3-4 FPS difference tops so i went back to softest which IMO looks slightly better than CHS anyway.

But i'm quite stunned your struggling to maintain 60FPS mate! You really should be getting more than that at 1080p.
4690k (Reverted back to stock to save power :rolleyes:) + 290X at 1080P user here.

Performance has been great until I'm in the grassy/woodland bits which has been more noticeable whilst recently being introduced to Trevor mainly when driving around I get drops to the mid 30s/40s whilst having V Sync enabled I notice huge stutters not sure if that could be down to V Sync as I believe the clock speeds run lower capped at 60 fps and when it needs the extra power due to running lower clock speeds which fluctuate this occurs?

I would be interested on your views on V Sync in this game and your optimal settings for the 290X at this res.

Does AMD's shadow setting impact FPS more or less?

"Chucks some spare change in my IPS Freesync Monitor fund"
Anyone know which settings make the least difference visually, but hog the most resources?

I just banged everything on highest settings possible, cept MSAA ofc which i run through sweetfx and its been running nice and smooth at vsync, but im just running story mode atm. When i try online mode eventually i dont wanna keep sweetfx on, cause of risk of getting banned. So im gonna need some in game AA which atm nearly halfs the FPS.

Also i might have to run my pcs low energy profile as im getting cooked in my house with all this sun were getting and the pc so overclocked.

Anyone had a play around yet to find the best settings to drop without much visual difference?

grass! for one not much difference after high. Visually(edit)
Also imo shadow distance, i barely notice the difference with shadow distance being closer to the minimum value vs max. So i don't max shadow distance!

Reflection quality can be a big hit too, so unless you like seeing reflections in puddles when its raining or cool reflections on your car or windows of buildings then turn this option down? But visually can look quite good when turned up.

Post FX doesn't seem to add much to my game for me visually but not too sure on performance impact tbh doesn't seem to have a big one so left this turned up.

and turned in game depth of field off as when in online mode and trying to shoot players that blurriness you get sometimes can get you killed.

Tesselation is great visually turned up so id keep this for sure near max or maxed. Apart from that not too sure what else you could play with apart from MSAA.
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4690k (Reverted back to stock to save power :rolleyes:) + 290X at 1080P user here.

Performance has been great until I'm in the grassy/woodland bits which has been more noticeable whilst recently being introduced to Trevor mainly when driving around I get drops to the mid 30s/40s whilst having V Sync enabled I notice huge stutters not sure if that could be down to V Sync as I believe the clock speeds run lower capped at 60 fps and when it needs the extra power due to running lower clock speeds which fluctuate this occurs?

I would be interested on your views on V Sync in this game and your optimal settings for the 290X at this res.

Does AMD's shadow setting impact FPS more or less?

"Chucks some spare change in my IPS Freesync Monitor fund"

Yea i saw some performance hits in this area too which is why i turned my grass down to high which helped some what. IMO i get slightly smoother gameplay locking my FPS to 60FPS with my 120hz monitor (has to be a division of your refresh rate, 60 is half of 120) and turning Vsync off. I did notice on a couple of occasions some slight tearing but only ever so slightly on couple occasions which did not warrant turning vsync back on for me as it feels smoother without.

Also the AMD CHS shadows doesn't have a big enough performance impact to actually be noticeable in game when playing. However if you watch your FPS meter like you have OCD you see it lol. But the impact is more, roughly 3FPS from what i've seen.
Anyone had a play around yet to find the best settings to drop without much visual difference?
Still tweaking the settings myself, nvidia have done a performance review, some things are interesting like sharp shadows should be used with high definition shadow setting in the advanced graphics menu, i have mainly left it at default settings for now. I noticed setting the MSAA to X8 disables TXAA, according to nvidia there are seven anti-aliasing options.

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