How many of you play with MSAA off?
running most ultra/very high with 4XAA at 70-80ffps lows of 58fps @ 1440p 980 sli
bare in mind im using Gsync too
=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz (12 CPUs), ~4.5GHz
32768MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980, 4086MB, Driver Version 350.12 (x2)
=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 144Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 4
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: false
TXAA_Enabled: true
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 1
DoF: false
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 0.461011, 116.453415, 89.745247
Pass 1, 18.403666, 92.157738, 59.173801
Pass 2, 32.038818, 125.503403, 73.765732
Pass 3, 35.746120, 114.266632, 83.430649
Pass 4, 4.289312, 114.775909, 68.000267
Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 8.587125, 2169.147217, 11.142652
Pass 1, 10.850961, 54.337002, 16.899370
Pass 2, 7.967911, 31.212137, 13.556430
Pass 3, 8.751461, 27.975063, 11.986003
Pass 4, 8.712629, 233.137604, 14.705825
Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 669/787 frames (85.01%)
Pass 1: 172/546 frames (31.50%)
Pass 2: 548/679 frames (80.71%)
Pass 3: 712/767 frames (92.83%)
Pass 4: 4936/7578 frames (65.14%)
Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 782/787 frames (99.36%)
Pass 1: 545/546 frames (99.82%)
Pass 2: 679/679 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 767/767 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 7562/7578 frames (99.79%)