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GTAV performance thread.

i7 950 @3.8
GTX 970
1080 @ 60

Setting high/very high

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 52.497032, 158.509094, 117.157005
Pass 1, 38.336933, 93.949753, 67.776215
Pass 2, 41.395405, 129.615280, 90.064362
Pass 3, 40.543362, 110.519241, 88.034286
Pass 4, 28.116522, 122.666023, 68.020073
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Yep, that's a very good, if extreme example of it. I have this, and am assuming everyone has it???
Can't believe they released it like that :confused:, it's terrible.

wow, not got it that bad, i've seen it slightly at further distances like a good 30-40 meters ahead of me where i see the higher res shadows getting drawn in when driving. Also i'm seeing the jaggy shadows here and there or the shadows you highlighted which i also saw on Matt's pic too which i highlighted. Quite annoyed at the bad shadows but that's only problem i've had so far. Some texture popping but odd occasions no where near as bad as the console versions. But i'm used to texture popping now with games.

Hopefully R* will roll out some more patches fixing these bad shadows and also hopefully so online performance updates/fixes. I hate waiting 20-30 seconds loading in and out of heist and mission lobbies when going back into the city/world. You always get those noobs that fail the missions or those who just leave. So annoying trying to get a full heist done with all the loading.
Having driven into the countryside a bit the only settings i had to turn off from max for a smooth fps of 60 near enough are grass quality to high (very high still has odd stutters) and all kinds of AA. Running 4k on SLI titan X. The grass and bushes still seem to all be there and draw pretty far but some slight detailing is drawn in on top at a closer range than the higher settings.

Also spotted some weird shadow issues caused by one of the extended shadow options in the city.
I am playing borderless capped at 50fps on my 970. Everything maxed or nealy maxed with the exception of postfx set to normal and grass at high. Even able to run msaa x2.

Seems to hold a constant 50 at all times. Although I have still seen a very brief couple of drops to mid 40's. Very brief though and if I hadn't been monitoring with OSD I likely wouldn't even have noticed.

Quite pleased with that performance tbh.
Anyone here on GTAV with a 4670k + 290

Wondering what settings you run for good looks and good performance as I can't get the right balance

Advanced settings just seem to hammer FPS

I have to play with MSAA on otherwise the game looks **** I think
MSAA will be hammering your performance as well.

There's no right balance really, just try and use settings that give you a constant 60fps.
I get the 59fps thing as well, I just set it to 50fps and it stays nice and smooth setting to 59fps causes judder....

No idea about a fix I tried manually setting a refresh on the Nvidia control panel but it made no difference. I also tried using borderless window mode with v sync off but this also causes judder.
My fps always flickers between 59 and 60 with vsync on, it still removes the screen tearing though, ive never noticed a stutter from it though.
Anyone found a perfect sweetfx setup yet? Im messing around with it atm, trying HDR and bloom as well as all the standard stuff in the K-putt config. If anyon finds a real nice config lemme know, so i can stop messing and play more missions +D
If I put vsync on my FPS will lock to 59 and not 60 and this causes stutter

Anyone know a fix for this

Thats because your screen is being forced to 59hz by the game.. It has done the same in my case and it wont accept the overclock i have on my monitor from within the game. Easy fix though. In your doc folder there should be a "Rockstar Games" folder..inside that "GTA V" and inside that a file called "Settings.xml". You can open this in notepad and search for "RefreshRate value=" without the "". Set it to whatever you are running on your desktop. Also to prevent hardcore input lag from vsync use a framerate limiter like the one build into RTSS and set that equal to the hz setting of your monitor. This is what i have done and im rocket a solid 72 fps with vsync on and its insanely smooth 98% of the time online and 99,9% story mode.

A few notes though:
Im forcing vsync through the nvidia panel not ingame. Also i have disabled the nvidia streaming service as it seemed to interfere and i dont have a shield anyway so i dont care about that. Was having a good deal of stutter and other issues before doing these things on the newly released gta v nvidia driver.
Anyone found a perfect sweetfx setup yet? Im messing around with it atm, trying HDR and bloom as well as all the standard stuff in the K-putt config. If anyon finds a real nice config lemme know, so i can stop messing and play more missions +D

Don't bother messing with bloom and HDR in sweetfx unless a game really needs it (which this one does not). You will end up making it look terrible unless you really know what you're doing.

I'm using kputts config but have turned off levels as it causes black crush, and slightly tweaked the lift gamma gain settings instead.

The main bonus from using sweetFX is SMAA and slight lumasharpen, and then turning off MSAA and FXAA completely in game - I'm getting brilliant smooth performance in SLI by doing this and it looks good for the most part.
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