GTR 2 Demo friday.

gah how annoying! seems lke a great game but looks like that you need a better system than mine to make the best of it. A64 3200+, 6800GS, 1.5GB ram.

--started it off at 1280*1024 with 2x AA, most graphics settings on high and it got a bit jerky. ok so lowered it to 1024*768 with same graphics settings and slightly better but still jittery on corners and when other cars are about... tried lowering the graphics settings to medium (overall) with no differance. i guess from this its not as graphically intensive as it looks in those screenshots but it seems to hit the cpu hard! unfortunatly the area where my rig falls woefully short :(
as i say, very frustrating as it feels like it could be a great game and much easier to get into than many race sims (though it is DAMN hard when you turn all assists etc off).--
well my tuppence worth

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hellforleather said:
gah how annoying! seems lke a great game but looks like that you need a better system than mine to make the best of it. A64 3200+, 6800GS, 1.5GB ram.
started it off at 1280*1024 with 2x AA, most graphics settings on high and it got a bit jerky. ok so lowered it to 1024*768 with same graphics settings and slightly better but still jittery on corners and when other cars are about... tried lowering the graphics settings to medium (overall) with no differance. i guess from this its not as graphically intensive as it looks in those screenshots but it seems to hit the cpu hard! unfortunatly the area where my rig falls woefully short :(
as i say, very frustrating as it feels like it could be a great game and much easier to get into than many race sims (though it is DAMN hard when you turn all assists etc off).
well my tuppence worth

*EDIT: oh and the sound seems to skip with the low framerates :mad: *

Are you able to select whether or not to drop back to DX8 or DX7 shader quality (check this in the graphic settings program before you start the game) as you can with GTL? Also the sound issue is a "feature" of ISI's package - always has been.
Downloading now cant wait :D

As for performance well a sim really should be hitting your CPU very hard if its working out intense physics constantly I would be worried if it was not CPU intensive.
Just had a quick blast, seems good, all aids off does not seem as extreme as GTR to me but maybe I am just used to it, plus I believe the seasons its simulating now are with cars with built in tc and abs? Low speed physics seem much better, not checked if you can test rain yet but so far its very good, graphically I would not say its way ahead of GTR, just a bit more polished, but the cockpits are lovely as usual and the sounds are superb!!
hellforleather said:
gah how annoying! seems lke a great game but looks like that you need a better system than mine to make the best of it. A64 3200+, 6800GS, 1.5GB ram.
started it off at 1280*1024 with 2x AA, most graphics settings on high and it got a bit jerky. ok so lowered it to 1024*768 with same graphics settings and slightly better but still jittery on corners and when other cars are about... tried lowering the graphics settings to medium (overall) with no differance. i guess from this its not as graphically intensive as it looks in those screenshots but it seems to hit the cpu hard! unfortunatly the area where my rig falls woefully short :(
as i say, very frustrating as it feels like it could be a great game and much easier to get into than many race sims (though it is DAMN hard when you turn all assists etc off).
well my tuppence worth

*EDIT: oh and the sound seems to skip with the low framerates :mad: *

strange my system is slightly lower than yours and gtr2 demo is completely playable for me (45 fps in cockpit, 70+ bonnet cam) with video settings set to high (not full) and most of the snazzy special options turned on. dx9 too

may sound like a strange suggestion as your gfx card already has lots of memory but have you tried increasing agp apeture size? seems to improve isi based games a lot.
Hmmm... game runs fine for me with everything cranked up, untill you put some other cars on the track, then it starts to chugg a bit.

Funny thing is if i hit the instant replay button (R) it will play the previous 15 seconds or whatever smooth as silk.
I get just under 60fps in car and just under 70 outside - on my own. Take off 10 to 15 when I have AI.

Not sure what I think of this tbh. It is easier to drive but harder at the limit I think.

I copied over my wheel settings from GTR PLR file, as default felt life less. :(
if your into car race sims gtr2 is another must have.
i am running demo using a 7800gtx card at 1280 by 1024 all detail on full and framerate is between 85 and 140 depending what is on screen using flaps to test.
will probably buy it for pc and xbox360.
cheers ian.
simply wow, cant believe how amazing this runs on my 3yr old rig
P4 3.2HT, 9800xt pro 256mb, 894mb ram + old microsoft FF wheel:pedals
after a few tweaks and dx7

running fraps on a test lap im getting 130+ fps !!
running fraps with 7 other cars on track 70+ fps
recording with fraps 30+fps

compared to that pile of rubbish that was toca3 this game , so far, its sweet

like the fastest cake in the world , im 'Scone' for some more

(gonna try a few more benchtests)
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