Guild Wars 2

My son downloaded this last night, unfortunately to his C drive which is pretty full.Can you just move the game folder to another drive and make a new shortcut or does the game have to be re downloaded?

Yep, you can just copy the folder to the other drive (including the gw2.dat file and the executable), then run the .exe and it'll update anything else it needs to.

I used to carry it around on a memory stick when I was traveling for work.
Good luck with that.

The new trait points system has really ruined the levelling experience for players who've played before. I started a new Elementalist a few days back, a class I've always wanted to play but never got around to, but the crappy new trait system is no making levelling her any fun at all, despite it seeming like a fun class to play. She's currently sat at Lv.35 with just one trait point available. :mad:

Sounds like they have simplified it ? which we all know is usually bad news.

On release I picked the ranger as a main and due to limited time to play just found it to be a boring bland class. I dabbled with a few others but gradually played less and less.

I'm going to persevere though, it's a stunning looking world and my PC is far better than the calculator I originally played it on.
Oh Noes!!! I just got my map to 59% grrr and soon they will add more, time to play this to death then :p

Cant wait :D - really need to get my bum in gear and join a guild though

you can join mine :p
Sounds like they have simplified it ? which we all know is usually bad news.

On release I picked the ranger as a main and due to limited time to play just found it to be a boring bland class. I dabbled with a few others but gradually played less and less.

I'm going to persevere though, it's a stunning looking world and my PC is far better than the calculator I originally played it on.

I am so glad my elementalist was at level 80 before this happened, once you get the elementalist maxed out it is really fun to play so anyone trying it should really stick it out, I currently have mine built as a healer.

Going to Maguma Jungle
Highly vertical maps
Hand gliding!
New Mastery System for skills
New class specializations
New useable weapons for each class
Precursor crafting
New legendaries
Guild halls
New PvP mode - Stronghold
New WvW borderlands maps
New profession - Revenant

atlast! guild halls are back, never got to experience them so I am a little hyped lol. I do hope they fix the dreaded camera that some one else has pointed out. Horrible thing, its not just the jumping puzzles but some of the Vistas aswell. ugh!

I enjoyed the underwater combat in the game.

Same! ... once I had become accustomed to it that is.

They should be fixing the awful lag and groups of players phasing in front of you in WvW out of nowhere first.

Lol very true, has happened to me endlessly, especially with the Aurora glades server folks, they always run in huge zergs, they always time it right before we capture a keep too :(
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you can join mine :p

Done! Probably wont be able to get online until tomorrow - prior game engagement tonight that will take the evening up (really hope it doesnt though).

I've been super casual previously though, just purely as Ive had no-one to run with :P (I.E. map completion is at 90%, done no fractals, still havent killed Zhaitan). Shocking considering I've been playing on and off since launch lol, I've done the living world S2 stuff though!

I'll put my details in here once I'm home tonight as I cant for the life of me remember it.
Done! Probably wont be able to get online until tomorrow - prior game engagement tonight that will take the evening up (really hope it doesnt though).

I've been super casual previously though, just purely as Ive had no-one to run with :P (I.E. map completion is at 90%, done no fractals, still havent killed Zhaitan). Shocking considering I've been playing on and off since launch lol, I've done the living world S2 stuff though!

I'll put my details in here once I'm home tonight as I cant for the life of me remember it.

cool cool, we are a casual and somewhat small guild. Happy to have you aboard, only have about 59% completion though.

could use someone to help me finish the map with lol :cool:
I played GW2 for about a year when it was released and pretty much did all of the more difficult content and got a few legendaries. The only thing that I am disappointed with is that there are still no hardcore/gear progression end game. I just wish they would do something like 10 man raids or something. I'll probably pick it up though.
The trait changes when making a new character? What they've done is locked a lot of stuff away until later in the game, and then made gaining traits dependent on completing certain events/mapping/finding a certain vista etc. They wanted to make it more like GW1 where you'd go out and find skill trainers, or use Cap Sigs to get Elite skills etc. Rather than just being given everything at once.

The other big change is that you don't get any Trait Points until lv30 (previously lv10), and there is a cap as to how many points you can put in each Trait line (2 @ Lv30-59, 4 @ Lv60-79, 6 @ Lv80).

Some people really like the changes, those that started since the beginning tend not to as we're used to just having everything and we just want to get on with playing. But for new players it eases them in more gradually.

In other news, the full quality 1GB version of the HoT trailer can be grabbed here:

The quality difference between this version and the '1080P' Youtube version is immense.

For example (big pics inside):


Full quality:


Full quality:


Full quality:
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The trait changes when making a new character? What they've done is locked a lot of stuff away until later in the game, and then made gaining traits dependent on completing certain events/mapping/finding a certain vista etc. They wanted to make it more like GW1 where you'd go out and find skill trainers, or use Cap Sigs to get Elite skills etc. Rather than just being given everything at once.

The other big change is that you don't get any Trait Points until lv30 (previously lv10), and there is a cap as to how many points you can put in each Trait line (2 @ Lv30-59, 4 @ Lv60-79, 6 @ Lv80).

Some people really like the changes, those that started since the beginning tend not to as we're used to just having everything and we just want to get on with playing. But for new players it eases them in more gradually.

In other news, the full quality 1GB version of the HoT trailer can be grabbed here:

The quality difference between this version and the '1080P' Youtube version is immense.

For example (big pics inside):

Oh My! very nice!!!

do a lot of guys from OCUK still play!? at some point me and my friends/ guild are looking to get an organised group together to take down the 3 wurms. We plan to do TS/ Skype. No plans as to when though but we are finding the usual rabble to be too disorganised to complete it.
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OCUK got a guild still? remember being in one a LONG time ago but been at least a year since I fired this up.Tempted as I quite enjoyed the storylines.

Not playing without people to chat to though ;)
I may pick this up and have a play again, If time permits with a newborn lol

I brought it from day 1, and played it solidly for 4-5months, easily the best leveling experiance ive had in any MMO to date. But for me, end game was rather meh. Everything seemed a zerg fest, I did a few dungeons, but they felt messy, and horribly designed.

I also never joined a guild, so that probably didnt help matters in the long term.
The trait changes when making a new character? What they've done is locked a lot of stuff away until later in the game, and then made gaining traits dependent on completing certain events/mapping/finding a certain vista etc. They wanted to make it more like GW1 where you'd go out and find skill trainers, or use Cap Sigs to get Elite skills etc. Rather than just being given everything at once.

The other big change is that you don't get any Trait Points until lv30 (previously lv10), and there is a cap as to how many points you can put in each Trait line (2 @ Lv30-59, 4 @ Lv60-79, 6 @ Lv80).

Some people really like the changes, those that started since the beginning tend not to as we're used to just having everything and we just want to get on with playing. But for new players it eases them in more gradually.

That is an excellent post!

I've played GW2 since launch and levelled two lvl 80 chars. However I've not played the game for a while and you've explained why I've found the new Trait system so confusing after having access to everything.

I also played GW1 since launch (and still dip into it) and the explanation about how the GW2 Trait system tries to replicate the GW1 skill set really clarifies how it works.

Thanks for the clarification - I will now understand how to re-trait my lvl 80 chars...
Speaking of the Trait system; it looks like it's under review again and will be changing when HoT hits:

Colin Johanson said:
Hey folks,

Now that the HOT is out of the bag, we’re able to update this thread with more details. With the introduction of the new account based mastery system for end-game progression and growth in PvE, we’ll also be re-evaluating our other systems of character progression to ensure they match our over-all pillars and goals for Gw2.

In doing so: we’re going to be removing the current trait unlocking system currently on live and replacing it with a more simplified system that supports where skills-traits-specializations are going in the future. We’ll go into more details between now and the release of HOT on how skills, traits, and specializations will work in the new Gw2 world.

Thank you for all your passionate feedback on this topic – it not only helped our dev team lead to this decision, but has played a large role in helping us define how to build our exciting new account based mastery system for end-game progression in PvE as well.
I might start playing this again. It's been brilliant the way Arenanet keeps refreshing the whole thing, adding new content, making sweeping changes to the systems etc.

It's definitely the best money that I have ever spent on a game.
I might start playing this again. It's been brilliant the way Arenanet keeps refreshing the whole thing, adding new content, making sweeping changes to the systems etc.

It's definitely the best money that I have ever spent on a game.
Well tbh, they haven't... until this announcement.

Only the living story has seen regular content additions.

Game balance patches and especially pvp/wvw content has been very few/far between and often misguided and very stagnant.

Hopefully HoT will change all that for once.
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