The trait changes when making a new character? What they've done is locked a lot of stuff away until later in the game, and then made gaining traits dependent on completing certain events/mapping/finding a certain vista etc. They wanted to make it more like GW1 where you'd go out and find skill trainers, or use Cap Sigs to get Elite skills etc. Rather than just being given everything at once.
The other big change is that you don't get any Trait Points until lv30 (previously lv10), and there is a cap as to how many points you can put in each Trait line (2 @ Lv30-59, 4 @ Lv60-79, 6 @ Lv80).
Some people really like the changes, those that started since the beginning tend not to as we're used to just having everything and we just want to get on with playing. But for new players it eases them in more gradually.
In other news, the full quality 1GB version of the HoT trailer can be grabbed here:
The quality difference between this version and the '1080P' Youtube version is immense.
For example (big pics inside):